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分享 Sandy
2012-10-31 18:46
Disaster this magnitude even those working for power do not have the privilege to get power restored quicker. Activated 16 hr shift since 29th. Jersey shore will never be the one, one will remember.
個人分類: 有一搭﹐ 沒一搭|261 次閱讀|2 個評論 熱度 3
分享 Chao 趙
2012-9-27 04:19
Chao 趙
some women are like wines - the longer it ages, the better the taste. 趙式芝就是其中一個 . 兩天前,我幾乎不知道她是誰 . 現在 , 我 就像 哥倫布發現了新大陸 小 粉絲 般 , follow her on facebook. 通常我 對上流社會 名 媛 不感興趣 , but she ’ s the ...
個人分類: 有一搭﹐ 沒一搭|275 次閱讀|0 個評論 熱度 3
分享 7.2012
2012-7-6 01:01
Dear A, I’ve came back from Taiwan and China for about a month now. Many things happened in this short period of time. We thought this trip was to fulfill the goal of visiting each other’s grandma before everything is too late - only to find out while we were visiting ...
個人分類: 有一搭﹐ 沒一搭|219 次閱讀|0 個評論 熱度 5
分享 老狗賣膏藥 -- 舊藥新罐 12.2011
2012-1-7 22:29
Dear A, It's been a while since we lastexchanged the emails. I hope everything is goingwell for you. It must has been at least one year now since you went back, and I have just finished my school (oh, yea~ but on the other end, I thin ...
234 次閱讀|0 個評論 熱度 1
分享 老狗賣膏藥 -- 舊藥新罐 12.2010
2012-1-6 22:42
Hello A, Happy holidays as well! I think the last email we exchanged must be back in early September where I was telling you I just started learning Accounting principles. Lucky you that your semester is drawing to an end where mine’s still few weeks more to go, yet one of the classes we just ...
236 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 老狗賣膏藥 -- 舊藥新罐 4.2010
2011-12-1 22:35
Dear A, Climbing the “corporate ladder” sometimes is an art as well. Experiences/knowledge vs. how successful or how quick one gets to climb up the rank are not always equivalent. Like any of the work place, I think more or less it involves politics. Budgeting and money are t ...
251 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 因為 ... 所以...
2010-7-29 07:43
因為很久沒有寫日記 所以久了也不知道寫什麼 因為很久沒記載/分享私人工作/情感世界 所以久了心也漸漸地只向自己包籠/敞開 因為出社會做事久了﹐學抗壓了 所以無須無病呻吟 因為忙於人﹐事﹐名﹐利 所以發現可以談心的只剩下自己及極少數密友 心煩意亂時欲還是說服 ...
個人分類: 有一搭﹐ 沒一搭|209 次閱讀|15 個評論 熱度 5
分享 Peru, China, & America
2010-6-19 04:59
Peru, China, & America
I have to make a confession though. The truth is, even though deep down inside I know its the right thing to do, part of me is still very scared. If you had to make a prediction about the future of the US dollar, what would it be? Some ...
個人分類: 有一搭﹐ 沒一搭|208 次閱讀|2 個評論 熱度 4

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