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因為 ... 所以...

熱度 5已有 209 次閱讀2010-7-29 07:43 |個人分類:有一搭﹐ 沒一搭

P. S 發現最近自己最常用的口頭禪竟變成: We'll talk about it when we get there.





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回復 ceci1314 2010-7-29 11:52

Don't let issues cloud your inspiration, i miss your PChome era..
回復 paomade 2010-7-30 07:29
ceci1314: 放下不寫,就真的提不起勁再寫~

Don't let issues cloud your inspiration, i miss your PChome era..


現在世故多了﹐寫真格了就不可愛了。人家會說太政治了﹐太現實了﹐太物質了﹐太專科了~ 所以就只剩下有一搭沒一搭﹐自娛。
回復 ceci1314 2010-7-30 07:46


回復 paomade 2010-7-30 08:30
ceci1314: 小姐啊,我用的是手寫板,說到妳龜速,我就是蝸速。我真是一筆一劃去寫的。


回復 mystm 2010-8-1 01:40
套句陳腔濫調: it's just a phase. =b
let's go hiking again when it cools down a bit. shall we? =)
回復 paomade 2010-8-7 10:58
mystm: 套句陳腔濫調: it's just a phase. =b
let's go hiking again when it cools down a bit. shall we? =)
would love to. been quite busy lately. ever since july, i've spent most of my weekends hunting for houses. are you still looking for places as well? plus prob. doing my master starting fall - lot of things to consider.

p.s this year RedBank Marina NJ has some great spots for crabbing - if you and your gf like to try something new. i went in early July, caught abt 60 crabs. if you have facebook, check out mines (shoot u another message), i post most pix there.
回復 mystm 2010-8-8 10:17
paomade: would love to. been quite busy lately. ever since july, i've spent most of my weekends hunting for houses. are you still looking for places as well? p
wow, 60 crabs! you guys are amazing! my gf appears very impressed and tempted. maybe we will head to NJ next weekend for the excitement.

congratulation on progressing towards a new stage of your life! it is indeed a perfect time to buy with all that housing inventory and the low interest rate. i am still keeping my eyes on the market, although i am not so sure if i'll stay or move back to the west coast at this moment. we'll see. =)
回復 paomade 2010-8-11 01:20
mystm: wow, 60 crabs! you guys are amazing! my gf appears very impressed and tempted. maybe we will head to NJ next weekend for the excitement.

if you do go, there are 2 choices: 1. red bank marina (google it to get address) 2. there is another marina don't know the name it has a boat sits on their front lot with "ROW BOAT CRABBING" written on the display rowboat.

choice 1 charges $80 for electric rowboat or $50 per day for row boat (you have to paddle yourself) vs. choice 2 only has manual rowboat for rent for $30 per day. any row boat can sits 5 ppl.

do plan to get there early. all you need to bring with you are: cooler, tong (bbq tong is fine, walmart sells for $1), lot of water, food, sunblock, hat, and buy a bag of chicken back or drum the cheapest you can find. you would also need to buy( or rent it at marina) a scoop net to scoop the crab once they bite on your bait/dropline. i just go to dollar store bought one for $1 - very handy.

the only equipment need for this trip is called "drop line" and can be purchased at choice 1 for $4 each or choice 2 for $3 each. Each person can handle min. 2 to 4 lines.
回復 paomade 2010-8-11 01:28
mystm: wow, 60 crabs! you guys are amazing! my gf appears very impressed and tempted. maybe we will head to NJ next weekend for the excitement.

p.s any crab less than 4.5 inches should let go. also try only to keep male not female one so next yrs come along there will still be some for other ppl.

btw, the meat is very tender and sweet - that's the plus, you won't find it in marekt.
回復 mystm 2010-8-12 07:42
paomade: if you do go, there are 2 choices: 1. red bank marina (google it to get address) 2. there is another marina don't know the name it has a boat sits on
hey paomade, thanks a million for the tips!
hope i get a few crabs to please my gf. =D
回復 paomade 2010-8-12 08:22
mystm: hey paomade, thanks a million for the tips!
hope i get a few crabs to please my gf. =D
no problem. if you rent the electric rowboat you could easy go pass bridge(where you can find more crabs) - you shall be able to get more than 100 crabs in no time.

With our case, we got there around 9:30am but all boats were out, so we'd have to wait 1 hr finally got a rowboat with no electric - but between 4 of us still can't row pass bridge (rowboat isn't easy to row) - but there were plenty of crabs all over the place. at one point i don't even know what to do with all the crabs, so we ended up steaming them all on the 2nd day back home.

just remember once you feel something is tingling on the drop lines, pull the line up slowly untill you can see the crab from the water, then scoop the net under the carbs then scoop it up. bring some ices (we just iced some spring water bottles) in the cooler, and also scoop some water from the lake in the cooler for the crabs.
回復 mystm 2010-8-12 10:30
paomade: no problem. if you rent the electric rowboat you could easy go pass bridge(where you can find more crabs) - you shall be able to get more than 100 cra
a few more questions : i saw you guys using cages for crabbing. is it available from the vendor as well? and how did you get the crabs out of the cage?
回復 paomade 2010-8-12 20:00
mystm: a few more questions: i saw you guys using cages for crabbing. is it available from the vendor as well? and how did you get the crabs out of th
don't bother with the cage, i think the total crabs we caught using cage were less than 10 crabs, and it costs around $15. all marinas sell it.

cage works better when throwing them down from bridges. but if you drop them down from the boat, the door on the cage might not open up all the time.

we brought chicken drum a bag for about $5, and for whole day i only used 1 drum per drop line to catch all the crabs. drop lines are good enough la, what i did was i handle 2 droplines,  i tied the other end of the droplines to the boat rail (so i don't loose the line once i tried to pull up the crab) - this increase the probility of your chance of catching crab. so if i pull one line up, there's no crab, i let go, and then pull the other line up. the chance is 1 out 2, you'd at least get one crab. it's like finishing, you see those ppl went out finshing on the boat, they have multi finshing poles set it up.
回復 mystm 2010-8-13 02:04
paomade: don't bother with the cage, i think the total crabs we caught using cage were less than 10 crabs, and it costs around $15. all marinas sell it.

thanks a lot for the hint! we are so ready to try our luck!
回復 mystm 2010-8-16 02:47
hey paomade, crabbing is really a lot of fun! thanks for all the tips.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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