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老狗賣膏藥 -- 舊藥新罐 12.2010

已有 237 次閱讀2012-1-6 22:42

Hello A,

Happy holidays as well!

I think the last email we exchanged must be back in early September where I was telling you I just started learning Accounting principles. Lucky you that your semester is drawing to an end where mine’s still few weeks more to go, yet one of the classes we just had first exam. With the fact that there are 3 exams in total, so I have no idea how my Professor plans to pull it off. But then being it’s accelerated MBA program, every weekend class is like 2X in weeks, so no surprise that I have moved from Accounting to Finance and Marketing courses already.

So my friend, let’s see what had happened in between this 2 months since our last email.

Have I told you Taxi in Peru was so cheap? I think all their vehicles were equipped with propane tank, that’s why it made transportation cheap. I still remembered I raised the question why in a third world county paid less than what we paid in States to Mike. Mike’s theory was it’s not about the technology, in States we have too much regulations and politics that been lobbied by giant parties for their own interests.

Every day, we heard different things from the media. I remembered when the gasoline price was high one time, as the angry citizens grew more and more, then few days later there were some sources I believed released by either some oil companies or government agency blaming it was India and China those developing countries’ surging middle class drain the supply. I have to agree with Obama, today we live in a world that is too overwhelmed by information (& if we are going to follow every little or big “event”, then we’re going to go nuts).

Secondly, M and I did had one time random conversation on the airports body scanner. Being M is M, so he always worry more than he should. So he was afraid it would creates inconvenience for our guests to travel aboard. I must say when I first saw the article (and read more articles afterward) on the complaint of TSA’s deployment of body scanner & and pat down check at airports – I wasn’t quite embrace the idea.

P.S The latest News I heard was TSA security was touching a woman’s private part because she was using Tampon at the time -This I’ve totally forgot about, so have to remember, Ladies, no Tampons at airports).

Like what I told M, there was not much thing small people like us can challenge a government policy. But then when do we get asked what on the earth how did our tax dollars spend and why US’s debt deficit is growing to uncontrollable.

And lastly, besides school and planning the wd, I’m still hunting for first house. Do you buy stocks? I brought in one of the stocks earlier last year at around $12 per share, the price has been dropping ever since then. At one point I think it dropped down to $9 per share. If I had keep tracked on the stock market everyday, I would probably been very emotionally affected by the loss and in constant need of adjusting plans.

What I’m trying to say is: my friend, the world goes around with or without you and me. With so much variances exist, nobody can predict what is the future going to be, even economist sometimes makes wrong projection. A lot of statistic data what I’ve seen used on the Media papers were referring to either Medium or Average figure – meaning it’s more of a raw generalized forecast equation and it’s not being diversified.

For instance, how many times we heard in the news, that the foreclosures are mounting the housing market? The truth is I hardly can find many houses in Bergen that is publicity accessible to lay people. The bottom line is, I think you shall have less to worry about. Doctor is in need in any economy and any country. And if there’s going to be a doom day, then we are all going down, and worry has no use.

On a side note, you seems quite interested in the development of China. I guess no one can ignore the rising power of China. So I’ve spent quite some times tracking the blogs and oversea BBS. Depends on what you want to gain from China, there are quite some different lines to draw, yet one or two paragraph is too short to exchange the thoughts. To simply put, the fast and easy way to get to know China a bit better is to spend a trip to go there and feel and touch the soil in person. In my own opinion, media usually only draw a “big picture” (which falls under my theory of “Medium or Average figure” I wrote above).

Oh, last thing, does that mean you will be going away for Med school starting next year? Have you decide which school is your final choice yet?





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