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老狗賣膏藥 -- 舊藥新罐 12.2011

熱度 1已有 235 次閱讀2012-1-7 22:29

Dear A,


It's been a while since we last exchanged the emails. I hope everything is going well for you.  


It must has been at least one year now since you went back, and I have just finished my school (oh, yea~ but on the other end, I think I’ve already missed the school – now with school is over, I don’t know what to do with my spare weekend… It’s like climbing a mountain, the process were painful and stressful - one minute you just couldn’t wait for it to be over, but once you reached the summit of the mountain, the notion of emptiness and sadness already clouding your head and what it left is: What’s next?).


Anyway, do tell your story when you are less busy – I could only imagine your study should be busier and busier as you are also moving to your 2nd year study.





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