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已有 491 人來訪過


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  • 出生地其他 其他
  • 居住地中華民國台灣 新北市
  • 感情狀況非單身



Busy Monday 2017-05-15
Woken by the scream of cats, I  listened carefully for a while. Make sure that there is nobody will threaten her, then I finally calmed down. ...
Challenge 2017-05-15
Except watching movies online and playing online-game yesterday, I haven't done anything important. But, it helps a lot. I feel energetic ...
Veg(耍廢) 2017-05-13
Tossed at 11:00 a.m. on my bed, I just want to veg .  I knew the physiology mechanism of my body that the light of my phone will help me to& ...
The beginning ; 啟程 2017-05-13
To celebrate our anniversary, Cindy wrote the article published at PPT for me. Touched by her unexpected gifts, I TOOK PICTURES of it. A ...
繼續騎 2014-09-10
延續昨天興起的騎車,這次兩點就出發了,原先想騎到林邊去,沒想到﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒ 這次的路線是沿著鎮海公園往青洲遊憩區的方向,以前總是覺得很吃力的豐漁橋 ...
扌戈 2014-09-10
今天在悶了一下午後,決定出外透透氣,我隨手撿查了老妹的腳胎車,這才發現車子不僅胎壓不足且煞車皮錯位,我帶著它先到腳踏車店灌氣,本來想借六角板手自己D ...


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