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[提問] [UPDATE]-我蠻girlish的,,但是有點男生的性格! >:)


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發表於 2013-10-16 01:18:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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本帖最後由 rainy999 於 2013-10-27 12:39 編輯

每次有人問我是T,P?我只說"I'm just lesbian! I love GIRL" 這還不夠嗎?:(

haha 唔..言歸正傳,, :)

HeLLo! 我叫樂樂:) nice to meet u !:D
我在外國出生和讀書但是Christmas or summer 會回家渡過, 我中文不是太好請見諒:)

我希望在這裡可以認識更多les的朋友因為外國的gay bar和社區裏亞洲人仍然佔很少:( 我外表酷酷的但你跟我混熟後會發現我很喜歡說笑, 而且我是個挺好的傾訴對象,,可能因為我是讀心理學的哈哈:p我自己以前交往的女朋友外表也是挺girlish的,,長髮,etc.
我也搞不清楚自己昰什麼style,,我蠻girlish的但是有點男生的性格哈哈xD  所以放上幾張相片讓你自己決定吧:)

-我超喜歡打電腦-電腦死了=我會跳河( just joking, but,,真的,,)
-喜歡什麼類型: 我很容易被陽光型女生秒殺x.x 幽默感. 長髮?:3
-我的dream girl 女星: 少女時代的俞利Yuri x)
我有wechat 和line: loky666

可以認識你們 ma? :d


Christmas 到倫敦



大頭照戳種我笑點.....  發表於 2013-12-31 00:17
蝙蝠俠的phone case好可愛啊~~~~喜歡~  發表於 2013-11-13 17:22
唔...我在外國讀書曾經被好幾個誤會是韓國人, 但我覺得我比較有"外國留學"feel哈哈  發表於 2013-10-20 23:28
你不像本地人,你是混血兒嗎?韓國?日本? :)  發表於 2013-10-20 23:14
Halo:) 哈哈 我有些朋友也曾經這樣告訴我!:)  發表於 2013-10-17 23:21
Hi~ 我覺得你是那種留長髮漂亮, 短髮會很帥氣的人:) nice to meet u!  發表於 2013-10-17 20:52

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發表於 2013-10-16 09:32:23 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:發表文章或日誌時,強烈建議 不要留下電話或個人隱私的資料,避免被有心人竊取喔!
Hi~妳好:)  我超愛心理學的><!


Hi 你好喔!:) 心理學真的超好玩, 好像最近學了怎樣分析別人的舉動, 衣服等等,,,聽起來有點邪惡哈哈xD  發表於 2013-10-17 01:04

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發表於 2013-10-16 03:40:46 | 顯示全部樓層
Hey you are from NYC...(right?)
I love NYC, one of my favorite cities in the world
Nice to meet you


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 樓主| 發表於 2013-10-16 09:13:00 | 顯示全部樓層
悠魂 發表於 2013-10-16 03:40
Hey you are from NYC...(right?)
I love NYC, one of my favorite cities in the world
Nice to meet you ...

hey hey nice to meet u too!:D 1st comment haha i'm studying in toronto now, but i love NYC a lot too! yea it's amazing i'm actually planning to go to USA's Disneyland and universal studio next feb!
r u in usa or canada?


oh wow nice :p maybe i can ask u some of the really fun rides there coz i got some serious guts lol hehe :o)  發表於 2013-10-17 00:54
I went to Disneyland and Universal when I was a high school student.It was great.  發表於 2013-10-16 11:07

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發表於 2013-10-16 11:25:50 | 顯示全部樓層
I love the times square~~
Hope I can stay longer next time.
But the crazy traffic .....


jajaja~~lucky u !!You know what? I don't have enough time to do some shopping. But, actually I did go empire state building tho!! And skydeck in chicago!! Awesome!!  發表於 2013-10-17 21:34
hey:) yea me too! there's so much gd shopping there, i got ripped off from a taxi!>:[ lol i didn't get to the empire state building tho, did u? :)  發表於 2013-10-17 01:10

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發表於 2013-10-16 13:58:43 | 顯示全部樓層



Hi:) 我也想認識你呵!:p 哈哈可能因為我中文有點笨笨的感覺xD我也很喜歡陽光型女孩  發表於 2013-10-17 01:51

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發表於 2013-10-16 14:14:18 | 顯示全部樓層
rainy999 發表於 2013-10-15 19:13
hey hey nice to meet u too!:D 1st comment  haha i'm studying in toronto now, but i love  ...

I used to be in Illinois
but I am actually in France now
how's toronto? Never been to Canda


oh i see :o France is soooo much cooler i think,, even tho i havent been there before, wish i could :( Toronto is a very cool place for my grandma and grandpa i think lmao xD how's france?  發表於 2013-10-17 01:56

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發表於 2013-10-16 20:44:47 | 顯示全部樓層
在國外長大這樣感覺中文已經算不錯了好想也去國外long stay看看


句子唸的順就好啦,而且也不是一大篇都打英文大家就比較不會害怕囉,反正不管t or p認同自己就好啦  發表於 2013-10-17 13:13
謝謝你喔xd 我還以為我的中文把人都嚇跑了^^'哈哈等了一陣子才有人commentxD 好高興認識你(; 我只是覺得把自己分類好像有點怪怪的感覺:/  發表於 2013-10-17 02:20

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發表於 2013-10-16 23:34:44 | 顯示全部樓層
i like ur style 但是我英文也不好呢 T T


Hey:d I like ur style too (; 你profile的自我介紹很棒xD I like it  發表於 2013-10-17 02:24

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發表於 2013-10-17 02:51:21 | 顯示全部樓層
France seems good so far, the only problam is that most people here don't speak english ha
I haven't been here for long actually
I am studying in language school for now.


lol yea i heard abt tht problem too, they r proud of being frenchy :p oh i see, i wanted to take beginner French courses 2 bt i heard only experts students go FAIL!  發表於 2013-10-17 10:25

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