
樓主: Pinkypig

[其他海外] 再次呼朋引伴喔∼有沒有紐西蘭的朋友啊∼


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發表於 2009-1-26 10:31:02 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 chaos0515 於 2009-1-22 13:10 發表

i think skiing and snowboarding is completely different, so it wudn't b 'jumping too fast'~ just see wot u like i guess~ in terms of ski fields, ive only been to a couple but i think cadrona's not  ...




Happy Chinese New Year~~^_^

[ 本帖最後由 a_joe2864 於 2009-1-26 10:32 編輯 ]

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發表於 2009-1-26 11:16:07 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 小劍 於 2009-1-23 05:53 發表

seriously 沒有那麼誇張要記到筆記本裡吧. 哈哈哈

yeah just like chaos said try seek.co.nz or try any of the fast food chain, they constantly need staff, or try fruit picking in summer time.

對了, 如 ...


預計4月初會到NZ,希望趕的上Te puke的kiwi packing。
我一直相信決定到NZ Working Holiday是正確的決定,不是只想待三週、三個月,而是一年!!!(除非錢花光,那就要滾回台灣),去NZ接受「鐵」的磨鍊,感覺好像是把自己推到地獄一樣~~哈哈哈,不過我真的打從一開始就沒想過到NZ是過「舒服」的日子!!這時就慶幸自己不是「溫室裡的花朵」~~哈哈哈



Happy Chinese New Year^_^

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發表於 2009-1-27 13:12:04 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:發表文章或日誌時,強烈建議 不要留下電話或個人隱私的資料,避免被有心人竊取喔!
原帖由 a_joe2864 於 2009-1-26 15:16 發表

預計4月初會到NZ,希望趕的上Te puke的kiwi packing。
我一直相信決定到NZ Worki ...

出來看看增長見識不錯啊, 我也覺得幾個月是不夠的, 一年差不多啦, 到處走走看看.

有問題就問啊, 不用覺得不好意思.

種族歧視喔.... 多少都有點, 有統計過好像百分之多少(超過一半)的亞洲人都有遇過種族歧視的情況, 大部分是車裡的人對亞洲人喊罵, 比較少有打人的.  不過注意安全還是很重要啦, 晚上不要一個人在街上走, 門窗記得關.

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發表於 2009-1-30 12:52:07 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 小劍 於 2009-1-27 13:12 發表

出來看看增長見識不錯啊, 我也覺得幾個月是不夠的, 一年差不多啦, 到處走走看看.

有問題就問啊, 不用覺得不好意思.

種族歧視喔.... 多少都有點, 有統計過好像百分之多少(超過一半)的亞洲人都有遇過種族歧視的情況 ...





Summer Blue 離開台北遠行花蓮中~~

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發表於 2009-1-31 06:10:55 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 小劍 於 2009-1-23 06:03 發表

sponsorship.... er I don't have a sponsor, the point I got is for working in my current job, if I change my job then I need to give them new detail and all other things, too much trouble la, so I wil ...

o ok~ i must b confused then haha ^^" ya less hassel is good. stick to mcDs for now ba :)

n nickname ar.........i've never really had 1 eh....they neva stick... usually ppl just call my name. but i'll think about that~ or u can make one up for me haha~ xp

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發表於 2009-1-31 06:29:07 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 a_joe2864 於 2009-1-26 10:31 發表


我將「獨自」前往NZ,並無同行的人,不喜歡吃喝 ...

lol it's not THAT bad la...coz NZ is a lot dryer compared to TW, in fact, the moment u step off the plane u'll know wot i mean, the air feels 'lighter' as well~ :) hot water bottles r good for winter~ they cost about $5 in nz? in general things r EXPENSIVE compared to tw, except maybe lamb n steak? but the price of food has been going up heaps so i duno wot it'll b like by april - should still be cheaper than tw tho? on average, if u eat out, u'd be looking at a around $10? (hey 小劍, wot r a few mcD combos n the costs? mite b easier to compare chain stores?)

in terms of warning......drunk people are actually pretty funny i feel~ most times not scary~ the thing i'd warn u tho is don't hitchhike~ esp coz ur by urself. u'll definitely see people do that tho.

n if ur gonna be here for a year and want to do a lot of travelling, u may want to consider getting a 2nd hand car and selling it at the end? coz public transport is impossible in some places. u should be pretty safe with a $5000 car~ anything below that may break down unexpectedly i think. so if u do consider this option, make sure u bring an international driving licence.

o n dun wori asking questions la~it's no trouble :)

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發表於 2009-1-31 06:30:24 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 a_joe2864 於 2009-1-26 11:16 發表


預計4月初會到NZ,希望趕的上Te puke的kiwi packing。
我一直相信決定到NZ Worki ...

ps. wot's kiwi packing??? ^^"

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發表於 2009-1-31 10:07:41 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 a_joe2864 於 2009-1-30 16:52 發表
當初決定出國是因為感覺自己該增廣建聞了,每天都在工作堆裡打轉,覺得自己愈轉愈渺小,下了班回家,也沒動力去做其他的事,假日也是一樣在家睡到「爛」,完完全全成了「宅女」,青春也在不知不覺中離自己「 ...

哈哈哈 講得那麼悲傷, 其實我現在也差不多這樣, 不是工作就是在家.

這裡的物價, 有些會比台灣便宜但大部分是比台灣貴.  例如:
牛奶 2L  $2.5NZD左右(應該比台灣便宜吧),
牛肉羊肉 1kg$11NZD左右吧.  
可樂1.5L $1.30左右吧(太久沒喝了)
Plain T-Shirt  $20以下
麥當勞cheese burger combo $5.50  (oh no, I actually am not sure of the price, yeah I know I worked there but I don't memorise the price okay, I can only give you a rough idea)
apples 1kg around $2
土司一條 $2 左右

man that will be hard packing cos you don't want to bring too much but you don't want to keep buying stuff here when you can buy it cheaper in Taiwan.

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發表於 2009-1-31 10:16:41 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 chaos0515 於 2009-1-31 10:10 發表
o ok~ i must b confused then haha ^^" ya less hassel is good. stick to mcDs for now ba :)

n nickname ar.........i've never really had 1 eh....they neva stick... usually ppl just call my name. but ...

hahaha sorry I am not good at giving people nicknames.
so hows things?

kiwi packing might be kiwi fruit packing, I don't know but I am sure there is no such job as packing kiwi birds.

Yesterday(Friday 30th) was a great day for pizza and beer, hahaha it was hot and sunny here, 結果被我大弟阻止了.  I am really picky on beer, at the moment I only found one that I like.

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發表於 2009-1-31 11:58:57 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 chaos0515 於 2009-1-31 06:29 發表

lol it's not THAT bad la...coz NZ is a lot dryer compared to TW, in fact, the moment u step off the plane u'll know wot i mean, the air feels 'lighter' as well~ :) hot water bottles r good for wint ...


sorry~應該是kiwi fruit packing,少打了一個字就讓人看不懂,英文這東西真是複雜!!



如果要到te puke你會建議怎麼前往呢??

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