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[散文詩集其他] As promised before


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本帖最後由 竹蜻蜓2013 於 2022-8-15 03:36 編輯
# ]0 E. ]6 B* p( E! b- h- k
0 P+ G  N! h( [+ v5 n# |1 ?The world in our eyes is already corrupted, so we create a new one to save our soul.1 l. k: ^; s& }; M0 I+ i; o

4 i0 N7 r3 L& D: i+ Z' u5 N2 v6 Z: CThere’s nothing left in the hell. We walk through the whole way and tear all barriers apart. Dark and red along the way. Never have a good sleep until you get into my life. Spill our blood and gain our praise, we worth the best of the world. . j9 s* q% i; b0 g8 i6 Q( G
! A. A( [( |- q1 c# h  ~$ T
For goddess, all I wish is that nothing left for coyotes.
- d, ]- @* ^- C6 z# |0 O  Q2 \: Q4 G  R0 T# E' P  s
Your eyes clever as spring, they wipe away all my fatigue rolling from life. We sleep in the same place, gain the peace we deserve.+ c7 {* a: q4 i

8 G9 i' q: U' d9 Q& MI ever abandoned you in the dark, but I found I couldn’t sleep without you. You are the shiniest star in the sky, though the storm already roars all the night.3 b  \9 n) }7 m$ M5 y( o
1 N9 d3 D! P, W4 ]) W

( {* r& f' `$ O9 s% \落地玻璃窗前十四樓的雪。黑暗中蔓延張狂的寂寞。襯衫西裝穿在身上帥氣好看。忠誠正直帶點世故滄桑的眼神。大大的辦公桌上放著一些文件,還算整齊分類的舒適空間。# t+ _+ g% u$ _/ Y+ R! G6 c' @

7 K" X- G% R* k& k4 ~尹謙和筱峰、禮茗下了班後,騎車跑到山上的飯館喝酒玩到凌晨四點才回家。
! @( r4 i/ H0 l: X  p6 O2 _
! E0 ?: y1 `3 U0 o  l% x
3 p, s! H2 `( L2 }! R冬天的木屋和火爐烤得人溫暖,窗外的雪還在繼續。高山的稀薄空氣令人喘不過氣。
# H" e0 Z2 H3 a- j/ x: i# m! n- X: p7 V5 B

+ M. E5 [) V" H5 }8 c5 q- [8 s% w) b- r) H9 G
8 l6 a* y2 n! G% z

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? & X* U6 g7 |, B% Q# B9 u8 V


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