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[散文詩集其他] [原創] The Scent of a Woman ~


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發表於 2004-3-23 17:15:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
[watermark]' k6 t+ Z4 @- C2 O( e
~ The scent of a woman ~
8 [9 T, [; a- VThe scent of a woman…$ k. o6 e; p, b' C; {
Soft touches, gentle words
* h/ }6 t2 Y( [; x/ BUnlike anything else mortal8 X$ |& f, `; W* S2 S" q& O
The way she moves…
' M# X0 y4 e" k( ?2 W- }The scent of a woman…
" R; y  q) U0 y1 z* Z, m/ lSweet seduction, naughty grin
& P2 H5 ~/ t1 m. h& B+ N3 e2 b4 tWith every second that pass
2 }' O$ _, i6 o- ]( fThe way she capture your mind1 F8 W5 |. J6 L4 B6 \9 N
The scent of a woman…( s- I. s7 r* ?0 M/ a8 N
As she moves on top of you- X/ l, h8 G8 _! ~& Z
Her eyes shinning, you bathed underneath the starlight
" g* S) I: {' v& V' @2 D9 jThe way she rules your world…' Z; |. B- Z( s. C3 W



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