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已有 470 人來訪過


  • wait 回復
  • calm... thats what i need 回復
  • this friday is lemon tart night... sweet yet sour~ yum! 回復
  • friday night=cupcake night=hw night... very sweet! O_O 回復
  • speechless 回復
  • 我想吃korean bbq... meat, meat, more meat! 回復
  • 好想看電影... 回復
  • 我生病了... 支氣管炎嗎 :( 回復
  • i will be fine 回復
  • 腦細胞恢復期 需要sweets! 回復
  • 真的很累! 回復


曾幾何時這麼在意別人說的話 或許應該說是環境與文化的壓力? 還是..... 你要結婚了 當你搬到亞州之後 變了 原本拘謹的你 變得更保守 傳統 更令我不敢置 ...
以暴治暴 2013-03-31
不喜歡勾心鬥角 不喜歡耍心機 不喜歡不要臉 不喜歡騙人 因為騙到的只是相信我的人  但是我卻要訓練自己變成以上那些人 只為了保護你 保護我們  ...
miss C 2013-01-14
回到這裡 我想起了妳 . . . . . . “哈囉 這是C"- H在那一次的聚會裡和大家介紹著妳  妳笑笑的對大家打招呼  抬頭看了妳一眼  站 ...
untitled 2013-01-12
回到這裡 才獨立 回到這裡 腦子才能思考 眼睛才看清楚 回到那裡 充滿了憤怒與怨恨 回到那裡 一切變得狹隘 什麼都看不清楚  似乎.... 選擇了 ...
untitled 2013-01-08
再一次 2012-01-18
今年某一天 我們會再見面 我會忍住情緒 不讓你擔心 你說 你真的很難過 在發現原來這一段才是真正的感情 可是你沒有抓住 我盡力了  原來 當我給了超 ...



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韓屬 2011-6-12 11:22
lilmissy : 兩個月?! 好好阿! 都去了哪裡? 你最喜歡哪個地方? 中美洲! 我也好想去... 怎麼這麼好 可以環遊世界! 真的很好! ... 呵呵, 還沒到妳說的環遊世界那麼充實啦. 去了德瑞法還有中歐幾個國, 老實說, 看的不夠多走的也不夠遠, 還真說不出最喜歡哪兒.不過我喜歡山, 尤其Alps那裏的自然風貌, 很是值得去享受一番.Prague也是個特別的地方,雖然比不上巴黎的名氣,可光是建築就能看上好一會呢, 還有藝術氣息的黃金小巷, 讓人一不小心就忘了時間.^^" 妳想去中美洲哪裡阿?? 有點想去Belize or Costa Rica, 不過得先 ... ...
韓屬 2011-6-9 11:34
lilmissy: !妳正在流浪嗎?嘻
恩, 是阿. 所以現在才看到妳的留言,笑
這次去歐洲漂了快兩個月, 下半年應該會前往中美洲去. 妳好嗎?
twome 2011-5-24 05:48
lilmissy: 國家:美國
^^....nice meeting you!
twome 2011-5-23 06:06
lilmissy: 我能想像...

我不在西岸 如果你不介意的話 :p
anyway, nice meeting you!
chiur 2010-6-12 04:00
lilmissy: hey! nice intro! :p
anyway, sure u can drink!
ate too much, was totally full and greasy = . =
FrE@k 2010-4-21 01:56
lilmissy: u r?
for some reasons i thought u live in europe :\
yeah i was living there for like 2 yrs then i came back
to tw for few months already =D
FrE@k 2010-4-18 00:52
lilmissy: so u r gonna take some time off in b/w?

probably around july or so, not sure yet.
u going back?
Yeah, probably, but i think i will stil try to
find something to do asap, just something different from
lab chores =D

I am already in tw.
FrE@k 2010-4-7 20:11
lilmissy: gonna stay in tw for a couple months, spend some time with my family and friends.
will see what happens.  
then back to ny if it doesn't work out.  


as i said, i never really thought that lab work is
something what i wil do for long.

When u wil be back to tw?
FrE@k 2010-4-1 15:22
lilmissy: ha, dont worry about it.

im doing fine.  
got less than 2 months then im out of school!  cant wait!

you? how've u been?
Yipee for u!!
So what's ur plan after that?

Me is gonna run away from the lab work soon.

I wil do something else, tho not really decided what yet
FrE@k 2010-4-1 00:48
Hi there,

sorry,  kinda lost track of our last conversation , and it seems
the system wont show up  the full msg. How are u?
neverbeengood 2010-3-8 06:29
rome was beautiful. absolutely breathtaking! i wish i could go back again.. but i was only there for a study abroad program that lasted for a month. it was last year during july so i pretty much baked to death hahaa. thats great knowing nyc is warm.. seattle is honestly not the best city for great weathers. after four months of hardcore raining, it really gets to you. but i guess the coffee can always compensate for it.
well, do enjoy the sun! are you a student? :)
neverbeengood 2010-3-8 06:10
hey! i'm from seattle, but i think there is a chance that i'll be moving to michigan! anyhow, you're the first asian american i've met so i'm pretty excited, because this means that i can actually type in english! i bet its freezing in nyc? take care and stay warm :)
怪獸ㄚ侑 2009-11-12 13:56
剛一直在想 國外太陽是不是太大 把妳的照片曬到烤焦了?? 哈哈
FrE@k 2009-11-7 22:48
lilmissy : actually, im anti technology yet i deal with interactive. the more i do with computer the more i dislike it im just contradicted to myself :p anyway, yeah, we always do things totally different from what we expect. Working in the lab can be both boring and interesting, its nice when u get to know new stuff, but at the end of the day u just start repeating the same thing and thats when the work is getting dry. And i totally understand about the dating situation in lab ... ...
FrE@k 2009-10-15 13:09
lilmissy : u r way cooler than me.  biomedical science is crazy!  wow~ so do u stay in lab mostly or? as for my stuff... you can choose motion, interactive o lol, i think this is jus something requires understanding, unlike urs that needs some kinda skills and also many others. I used to work in lab for some time but not any more, cuz i think that jus aint the style i want. HAha, ur course sounds a completely new field to me, but i still reckon what u do ... ...
FrE@k 2009-10-15 08:46
lilmissy: digital design, u? :)
that sounds cool, does that focus on something in particular,or u jus hav to study everything in general?

mine is like biomedical sciences related ;)


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