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熱度 4已有 389 次閱讀2016-6-18 15:39 |個人分類:心情

This month, I checked a lot of information, has been exploring life.
Sometimes I would think, that God wanted me to learn (put down) and  (not cling) but I think I always learn very bad.

I guess, life is make people lonely , people always is looking for a Soul mate

But ,do you know
You Perhaps lonely, but ,you can not casual find a spare pillow

Now ,The greatest miracle is to be alive


I finally know 
Every moment is an  opportunity for meditation

Continue straight

Can to be happy, or unhappy
Look good fortune
Fear of death also is the fear of survival
Yes,we all have the right to happiness

But,I do not know how long I can hold

war,war,war,I feel very tired

These two months, I do not take anyone's phone, do not talk with any people, I let myself alone on

Then, wait in the telephone charges did not pay a state, I really cut off contact with people






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回復 outspace 2016-7-12 16:48
So you're hiding here...
Some things if  you have not experienced ,you will never understand the pain from it , meditation is a nice thing but it's not good for us when you went too far,cause you will unable to withdraw.
The world is so so big, to walk out and see different environment,there must be a new and wonderful soulmate waiting for you!
My English is so poor ,hope you can understand what I mean!
Next time I think Chinese will be more convenient!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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