
分享 Busy Monday
searchu 2017-5-15 23:59
Woken by the scream of cats, I listened carefully for a while. Make sure that there is nobody will threaten her, then I finally calmed down. But I felt so tired, I found that there wasn't enough time for me to rest. I woke up in early morning, even if I was in ...
個人分類: Diary|425 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 Challenge
searchu 2017-5-15 00:35
Except watching movies online and playing online-game yesterday, I haven't done anything important. But, it helps a lot. I feel energetic today. At noon, I watched a short video on Youtube, it describes that the rule following by successful persons won't effective all the time. ...
個人分類: Diary|432 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 Veg(耍廢)
searchu 2017-5-13 19:07
Tossed at 11:00 a.m. on my bed, I just want to veg . I knew the physiology mechanism of my body that the light of my phone will help me to awake. That is why I browsed some webpages on the Internet, read some unimportant messages to get energy. Ironically, When I was young, I woke ...
個人分類: Diary|427 次閱讀|0 個評論


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