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熱度 4已有 135 次閱讀2009-11-7 23:27 |個人分類:偷偷喜歡著妳


Sometimes I feel I can let you go,

Let you out of my life.

But when ever I see you again,

This idea always disappeared.


The relationship between us,

Still just like friend,

Still on the basic level,

But in these few weeks,

You did not ignore me anymore!!

I can tell you never know what I am thinking about,

But the only thing that I want to ask is the friendship between us.

Every time when I see you,

A kiss and A hug is enough.


Out hug is more than one second,

And I am so close to kiss on your lips,

This is why I can not give up,

Give up for waiting.


I am so scared about one day you will leave me,

I do not want this to happen,

Can not image what will be if you are out my life???


Let me looking after you!!!

This is the only thing that I want to do,

When you feel cold,

I can share my body temperature,

I can warm you up.

When you want to talk in the midnight,

I can be there and listen to you,

Become your mood rubbish bin.

When you are crying,

You can put your head on my shoulder,

I will wipe your tears,

Use the softest way.


I do not have any feeling with other girls for a long time,


You are the one that let me have the feeling,

You are the first one how I really put in my heart.

You are going to have the first position forever.

I know,

The chance between us is zero,

But waiting for you to understand is a kind of happiness.





剛表態過的朋友 (2 人)

發表評論 評論 (4 個評論)

回復 hehe_243808 2009-11-13 14:43
cheer up!!
回復 xfangpix 2009-11-13 18:58
hehe_243808: cheer up!!
ha ha
I will, Thanks!!
at here is about 40C
buring hot
How is there??
回復 hehe_243808 2009-11-20 23:02
xfangpix: ha ha
I will, Thanks!!
at here is about 40C
buring hot
How is there??
lol same !! cuz of the weather cant be stuff to go to school
回復 xfangpix 2009-11-21 06:55
hehe_243808: lol same !! cuz of the weather cant be stuff to go to school
my school lesson is finished
now just EXAMs start next week
how about you
do u have any EXAM??

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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