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lily_0409 2018-6-2 22:22
月光塔房 2013-4-24 23:51
smallmid: Hi妳好
zeit 2013-4-15 00:18
小s,我把你的徵友文從地下十八層努力的翻炒上來啦!!! 別太感謝我呵呵。你好好加油啊~
子凡 2011-12-23 15:58
好久不見ˇ  最近好嗎 ^_^
小析 2011-10-4 23:42
妳頭像那是哪 ?  我有興趣 ~
icey 2011-2-14 02:47
2010-10-4 11:24
lily_0409 2010-5-12 20:20
子凡 2008-12-31 23:10
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★ 新 ★★ 年 ★★快★   ★樂★
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101 摩天樓 跨年煙火秀
☆╮★╭☆╮★ ╭☆╮★╭☆╮
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 ╭‧放煙火 ‧╮╭‧放煙火 ‧╮
☆       ★        ☆
 ╭‧新 年 ‧╮╭‧快 樂 ‧╮
☆       ★       ☆
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塑膠羊 2008-10-19 23:35
smallmid: 徵美p帥t當朋友?那我是不分~不會分啦>"<~憑感覺~ 希望在這裡可以認識不錯的朋友!很高興認識妳!
aprill 2008-10-14 16:45
smallmid: Thanks for your respond.my weekend was pretty good. I have 3 days off in a row. How about you? May I join your msn?
ahh.. yes i see.. this is hard!!! how many places does one need to keep an eye out for incoming messages!!

sure.. my MSN is wuani@hotmail.com.. i am not on it too often, and half of the time i don't have time to respond to it.. but some say hi.. i am sure the other half of the time i will reply.. hhaha

3 days off in a row? taiwan's double 10 national holiday?


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