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My place in Gongguan*

熱度 10已有 475 次閱讀2010-7-27 07:21

Another sleepless night...
I'm not even surprised coz I kinda got used to it.

So I took some pictures outside da place I live for da moment.

Cool spot isn't it?
here with old buildings X natives X THAV workers X artists that I really like!

Sometimes I smoke in this big balcony at night.
Not alone, coz music, cigarettes and bailey's are with me.
Simply dun need sex, cuz they fuck me everyday.
Oh yeah...today i was listening to Muse...
there was a lyric like this...
"Everybody fucks, everybody sucks..." hilarious isn't it?
Muse's always my favourite.

this morning was my 1st time to climb up da stairs,
with my bare foot.
guess it's okay coz rain works overtime lately.

5:30 am.
still awake.
couldn't go to bed.

Whatever u say but i'm anything but drunk.
I dun get drunk alone somehow, it's sth that I can't handle.
it's just so cute that i have such a pink face after a few glasses of bailey's.
and i kinda like it when i flipped back da photos.

Alright then...time to TRY to get some sleep. Ciao...





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回復 isen 2010-7-27 19:25
回復 da_bloodymary 2010-7-27 20:15
isen: 我喜歡妳da的語氣

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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