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*等待* 相愛倆人的心緊緊依偎 ... https://www.2girl.net/?66997 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS] 距離真的可以很接近,同時也是可以很遙遠,更可以變的很甜美的~*


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上傳於 2009-3-22 22:25 (130 KB)





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回復 Greg 2009-3-23 01:41
I think I saw a spider!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-23 11:39
Greg: I think I saw a spider!  
眼力好   沒錯...  裡頭 確實有蜘蛛唷!!
回復 Greg 2009-3-23 11:45
heyjoyce520: 眼力好   沒錯...  裡頭 確實有蜘蛛唷!!
what did you do to it? step on it?
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-23 14:15
Greg: what did you do to it? step on it?
很醜的蜘蛛.....    我沒有怎樣  >"<
回復 Greg 2009-3-24 02:18
heyjoyce520: 很醜的蜘蛛.....    我沒有怎樣  >"<
or you bring "it" home? it might be a good sell!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-24 09:55
Greg: or you bring "it" home? it might be a good sell!  
回復 Greg 2009-3-24 10:04
heyjoyce520: 想太多.........................
oter said, fried spider is pretty crunchy!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-24 14:55
Greg: oter said, fried spider is pretty crunchy!  
天啊....  妳有吃過這股美味啊   服了妳......  
回復 Greg 2009-3-24 21:54
heyjoyce520: 天啊....  妳有吃過這股美味啊   服了妳......  
I did not but it showed on animal channel, a lot of protein!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-24 23:21
Greg: I did not but it showed on animal channel, a lot of protein!  
蛋白質   妳吃下去啊
回復 Greg 2009-3-24 23:26
heyjoyce520: 蛋白質   妳吃下去啊
I ate enough already, I thought you might need some.  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-25 09:34
Greg: I ate enough already, I thought you might need some.  
不了  真的不了....   妳比較需要  全給妳了...  
回復 Greg 2009-3-25 09:53
heyjoyce520: 不了  真的不了....   妳比較需要  全給妳了...  
it is okay, I give it up for needed people and that is you.   I cannot believe I am so nice!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-25 15:12
Greg: it is okay, I give it up for needed people and that is you.   I cannot believe I am so nice!  
我很有  大愛的   別客氣了  
回復 Greg 2009-3-26 08:54
heyjoyce520: 我很有  大愛的   別客氣了  
大愛?  I thought I am the one, not you!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-26 14:12
Greg: 大愛?  I thought I am the one, not you!  
切  切  切.....  
回復 Greg 2009-3-26 21:43
heyjoyce520: 切  切  切.....  
大愛 = greg  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-26 23:14
Greg: 大愛 = greg  
回復 Greg 2009-3-27 02:08
heyjoyce520: what
大愛 = greg, it means me, I am full of great love, 大愛!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-27 11:41
Greg: 大愛 = greg, it means me, I am full of great love, 大愛!  
喔喔...  原來如此....   那就....  分享這份愛出去.....
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