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*等待* 相愛倆人的心緊緊依偎 ... https://www.2girl.net/?66997 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS] 距離真的可以很接近,同時也是可以很遙遠,更可以變的很甜美的~*


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上傳於 2009-3-4 23:34 (130 KB)





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回復 Greg 2009-3-10 01:01
wow, lovely photos, particualr the fishes. (I wonder why I am getting hungry when I view these photos!   )
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-11 00:16
Greg: wow, lovely photos, particualr the fishes. (I wonder why I am getting hungry when I view these photos!  )
是妳吃太少嗎?!  這種魚 不適合吃   = ="
回復 Greg 2009-3-11 00:25
heyjoyce520: 是妳吃太少嗎?!  這種魚 不適合吃   = ="
huh? are you sure?  they do look tasty!  yeah, I always don't eat enough, I wonder why?  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-11 10:59
Greg: huh? are you sure?  they do look tasty!  yeah, I always don't eat enough, I wonder why?  



或許還是能吃啦!!可能口感不太好就是了....  妳的嘴真的粉想吃....
回復 Greg 2009-3-11 11:12
heyjoyce520: 請看看...


錦鯉和鯉魚?  are they the same thing? are they koi?  I am growing kid of course I need to eat as much as possible!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-11 15:02
Greg: 錦鯉和鯉魚?  are they the same thing? are they koi?  I am growing kid of course I need to eat as much as possible!  
應該不一樣吧   >"<  吃點更營養的魚 啦....  
回復 Greg 2009-3-11 21:25
heyjoyce520: 應該不一樣吧   >"<  吃點更營養的魚 啦....  
you don't think it will be waste letting them (the fishes) hanging around there?  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-11 22:49
Greg: you don't think it will be waste letting them (the fishes) hanging around there?  
還好吧  ^^  還挺可愛的耶^_____________^
回復 Greg 2009-3-11 22:55
heyjoyce520: 還好吧  ^^  還挺可愛的耶^_____________^
but can the fishes being lovely and also letting us to "eat" them?  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-11 23:25
Greg: but can the fishes being lovely and also letting us to "eat" them?  
厄....  得問問上天了  
回復 Greg 2009-3-12 01:16
heyjoyce520: 厄....  得問問上天了  
I bet a lot of "visitors" (I mean the one in that pic) were thinking about that (eating)!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-12 14:45
Greg: I bet a lot of "visitors" (I mean the one in that pic) were thinking about that (eating)!  
那就不要吃啊   =  ="
回復 Greg 2009-3-12 22:02
heyjoyce520: 那就不要吃啊   =  ="
you didn't think about "eating" them while you shot that photo?  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-12 23:25
Greg: you didn't think about "eating" them while you shot that photo?  
我....  我...  我....  這....  這....   真是想太多點點點了....  = ="
回復 Greg 2009-3-12 23:26
heyjoyce520: 我....  我...  我....  這....  這....   真是想太多點點點了....  = ="
ha, ha... I think you "did"!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-13 14:48
Greg: ha, ha... I think you "did"!  
回復 Greg 2009-3-13 21:54
heyjoyce520: 真是三八小啊花....  
this place looks quite japanese, is it a japanese tea garden?  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-14 00:18
Greg: this place looks quite japanese, is it a japanese tea garden?  
也算是日本吃的..  台灣簡餐地方...
回復 Greg 2009-3-14 00:39
heyjoyce520: 也算是日本吃的..  台灣簡餐地方...
a japanese restaurant! I knew "it", those koi must be for sushi!  
回復 heyjoyce520 2009-3-14 23:17
Greg: a japanese restaurant! I knew "it", those koi must be for sushi!  
台灣簡餐 並無 壽司  但...  我倒滿喜歡吃  壽司  ^^
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