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ceci1314 2012-8-22 04:06
paomade: if you can find free stayings - that's even better :)  In general, foods, transportation, and hotels are much cheaper in TW than China, and the level  ...
2 years ago, I went to Beijing and Taipei, with the same fee they charged. I agree that Taipei is more worth my money than Beijing. Not to mention the general  attitude of people.
ceci1314 2012-8-18 00:51
paomade: btw, if u're going to tw, agoda is a good website to book hotels - it's like trip advisor. lot of Singaporean, Malaysian and foreigner book thru it. I ...
in fact, we probably will stay in her cousin's rented house. it should be cheaper than staying in the hotel, but i will check with the website you recommended. thanks pal.
jojogogo 2012-2-21 17:03
HEy, I saw that you visited my site. Just wanted to say "hi". Looks like you're a big hiker/traveller!
ceci1314 2011-2-4 23:27
來個年初二網拜! 恭喜發財
mystm 2010-8-28 09:48
paomade: thanks. will see how it turn out tomorrow :)
i led a hike for an interesting group of people (~15) at Sam's Point Preserve last weekend. we've got two seniors and a terrier among us. it just occurred to me that this may be the right place for a family outing that you've been looking for. check it out. (http://www.nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/newyork/preserves/art12207.html) the scenery is truly magnificent in fall.
mystm 2010-8-20 06:51
paomade: hey, any suggestion for which bear mt. hiking trail is good for a family hiking outing?

parents wanted to do a family hiking this weekend, plus i hav
hi paomade,

hmm, i think Harriman Park may be more suitable, say the trails around Pines Meadow Lake and Lake Scannatati, certain parts of AT and long paths. however, i must admit that i am not all that familiar with easy to moderate trails. the NY-NJ trail conference has compiled a list of popular trails with different degree of difficulty; maybe you will find useful information on their website:
ceci1314 2010-5-8 11:19
paomade: 我有心臟病﹐會嚇死人的
ceci1314 2010-5-8 07:19
paomade: that's a very scary profile pix, some changes, pal.
我轉做智慧型! LOL.
mystm 2010-4-15 04:58
paomade: Is this hiking stricky for dykes? will straight be welcomed? u mentioned "group", are those meet-up groups from meet-up website? i mean i wo
hey paomade,
i plan to hike the Popolopen Torne again on April 24 (Sat). would you like to come along?
FYI, someone posted the trail map online: http://c0278592.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/original/132409.jpg.
i usually take the Blue trail up and Red trail back. the whole loop is ~6 miles with a little bit of rock scrambling to the top that makes it interesting. the best thing about this venue is that it allows a 360-degree view of the surrounding area. (http://photos3.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/1/5/1/6/600_4325398.jpeg)
mystm 2010-4-13 09:39
paomade: i'm more into outdoor personal enrichment activities rather than sports that involve competition or team work –cuz I’d never score good. I like to e
btw, thank you for the BOA card info. i'll check it out. :)
mystm 2010-4-13 09:37
paomade: i'm more into outdoor personal enrichment activities rather than sports that involve competition or team work –cuz I’d never score good. I like to e
you seem pretty good at dancing. that's so cool! where did you learn it? in school?

i'm more like the type who picks out a few activities and sticks with them. i would spend time getting familiar with the tricks and strategies to develop a feel for it. this personality probably also explains why i'm into research but not the Apple products.

there are indeed a few things i'd like to learn or relearn, such as snowboarding, playing piano, and swimming. i used to be very good at competitive swimming, but it's been 10+ years since my last dip into the swimming pool. i don't even feel comfortable breathing when the water level reaches my chest. what a shame, isn't it? same thing with piano. there are so many things i learned during my years in the US, and yet so many precious things were lost in the process. wish i had known how to balance work and life better in grad school. well, it's never too late to learn. =)
mystm 2010-4-11 10:32
paomade: thanks. i'll look it up on meet-up site. now being the spring time, there are quite a handful of groups all scheduling hiking events. i'm on the email
are you referring to outdoor activities? i play basketball, softball, and table tennis. my gf has been trying hard to convert me into a diving/kayaking fan. however, hiking/driving in national parks or state parks is still my favorite. :)
window shopping and museum visiting in the City could be fun, too.
what about you? by the way, do you by any chance like classical music?
mystm 2010-4-10 01:29
i believe it is okay provided that your partner female, for the hiking event is held by the NYC's Adventure Group for Girls on meetup.com.
for safety reasons, the coordinator, Kelly, of the event put a cap on the number of hikers allowed. thus, i think if you are interested, you need to sign up. (placing yourself and your friend on the waiting list should do because, on average, only half of the people that sign up would actually show up.)
mystm 2010-4-9 08:34
oops, i forgot to mention this other hike by another dyke hiker group, Bear Mt hike on April 24. "We will be meeting at the Reeves Meadow Visitors Center. The directions from route 17 are: From NY 17 in Sloatsburg take Seven Lakes Drive 1.4 miles. There are signs for this parking lot." My experience with this group (Dkye Hikes) is that they might be moving at a slower pace than i normally would. In contrast, the Kaaterskill Falls will be led by a more serious (and more experienced) hiker.
mystm 2010-4-9 08:15
hello paomade. would you like to go hiking with a group of dykes on May 1 near the Kaaterskill Falls? it's an intermediate hike, short (4-5 miles) but steep at times, they say.
初晴 2010-4-2 21:40
mystm 2010-2-23 23:58
hi paomade,

i'm attending a meetup held by Dike Hikes this Sat. they'll be hiking (or more like walking) in the Ramapo Valley County Reserve for 2-3 miles. i plan to extend the hike for another few miles if the trail condition permits. are you interested in joining us?

mystm 2010-2-15 23:40
paomade: hey, have a good chinese new year. i'll get back to the reply after this year's crazy new year + valentine combination. so overwheeling
ha, good for you that you are surrounded by family and your significant other!
and wish you a happy and prosperous year of Tiger.

btw, i just realized that we don't get a day off today, geez! gotta run off to work.
ceci1314 2010-1-28 08:03
paomade: 哈哈﹐有人是生財有道﹐我呢是省出來的cat 過得可好﹖我的電郵換了又換﹐是挺糟糕﹐見色忘友希望她收到我在她xanga 留言。

ceci1314 2010-1-28 05:30
paomade: i am a penny pincher, and that's not because i'm doing any better than anyone.
又不問妳借啦!別先關後門! lol



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