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down_lately的個人空間 https://www.2girl.net/?15220 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


today is my birthday! i am officially 21!!
2010-7-17 13:23 回復|
2010-6-22 04:17 回復|
tomorrow 4.50pm The Karate Kid
2010-6-16 03:11 回復|
get myself a blackberry curve next month as birthday gift ok?
2010-6-15 04:47 回復|
Germany vs Australia later!!GERMANY GO GO GO!!!
2010-6-14 00:43 回復|
The internet service is so lame- -OMG
2010-6-13 23:19 回復|
i wish to have a MOVIE MARATHON!
2010-6-12 18:41 回復|
Watched Nanny McPhee, it's good but not as nice as the previous one
2010-6-12 03:17 回復|
2010-6-10 14:39 回復|
不要對設計師爽約,尤其才出來社會工作的設計師 這樣很傷人家的心啦!!!
2010-6-9 09:23 回復|
2010-6-9 03:41 回復|
2010-6-9 03:14 回復|
Tomorrow Plan:
2010-6-9 03:12 回復|
BLOW UP!! everything's crap.
2010-6-9 03:09 回復|
Photoshop-ing =D
2010-6-9 03:02 回復|
冷的黑咖啡 低調的苦 寂寞訊號
2010-6-9 02:31 回復|
Please allow me to bring back my BlackNail
2010-6-9 01:37 回復|
Boring life. I miss those day that be with my friends, I miss them a lot lot. And I gonna meet with my sweetpie and kokoliong this friday!!!!!
2010-6-9 00:10 回復|
2010-6-8 22:47 回復|
Nice weather today... It is Too HOT!!!
2010-6-7 13:56 回復|


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