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Vienna L World - preface2

熱度 1已有 408 次閱讀2011-8-22 21:28

I tried but can not remember where we met first time and how the first talk started. But I do remember her eyes and face and her name called Michelle. We were both fresh newcomers to the University of Vienna. We both selected a study which was not a guarantee for a bright and potential future at all. My major was literature and hers was sociology. At that time most of the student I became friend of had one thing in common. We despised the believe and image of success. We were all somehow decadent and did not want to go with the main stream believing success, reputation, wealth and power. To me truth was the noblest single goal worth to unveil even it mostly meant pain and desperation. Despite the fact I was unable to see the truth about myself and my own circumstances. 
We welcomed every heretical view as we felt lost in this world of orders which we never fit in even we had tried hard to pretend that way. I could never fit in as an lesbian foreigner grown up in a broken family in between two cultures which I never felt belonging to one of them. I was in every aspect a marginal creature, there was no single acceptable name of identification which could include and justify my existence. But Michelle was the opposite of mine in this case. 





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