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How do you know when you are truly in love?

熱度 1已有 151 次閱讀2013-3-18 01:03

You know that you are in love when you are truly in love when you can't stand being away from that person for to long, when you are willing to do anything for that person like me, I found out the first time because I couldn't stop looking in her eyes I love being around her and every day we grow closer and closer some times it gets hard but at the end she knows how much I love her and how much she means to me!You know you're in love by everything you do, you do thinking about that special someone. You wake up and that person comes to your mind. You count the minutes to talk to them and see them. Thinking about that person makes you smile and even just looking at them makes you smile. Their mistakes seem cute to you and make you laugh. All you want to do is be with them even if you guys are bored and not doing anything. It's meaningful just because your with them. You put your love first than anyone and try to be a better person just for them. That person gives your life meaning. They are your best friend at the same time as your lover and will give you the advice you need. The fights and disagreements do not make you stop loving them. To make it short, he or she is your world.Don't worry, you will just know.If you ask, you either doubt your feelings, in which case you aren't truly in love, or you don't know if the relationship will/would work out, which is an altogether different question, since being truly in love isn't enough for a successful relationship, though it's a good start, especially if by "you" you mean "both of you".There are a lot of indicators that allows you to know when you are in love. I realized recently that even if you see your love everyday at work, even if they sit right next to you, every time you turn around and you look at this person it feels like your seeing her for the first time, and that awesome feeling come over you, and you just feel like the luckiest person in the world.You look at that person and you just feel like you can do anything, you feel inspired to be a better person, like you're the king of the world.You want to be a better person for yourself and for that person.All your self doubt and issues disappear with just one look.Being truly in love makes you love and respect yourself, and in essence you will know.Remember you must love yourself before you can truly love someone else.I believe that you don't have to think about it; you just know.You get this amazing feeling when they touch you or just hold you.You get butterflies no matter how long you have known them.When they hug you, every wall that you have ever built from keeping them out breaks down.You just want to be with them.Laying in their arms just makes you forget about the world and all the pain.I believe you know your in love when there always on your mind when you see them you get nervous. I've known her for years and we have been friends for four years and I still get nervous when I see her.She's gets me frustrated, but I can never be mad. I love everything about her, even her imperfections.You cant help who you love its just something that happens. you cant choose no matter how much you want to. True love never ends.When you know that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your whole life with, you won't have a second glance at another man/woman, you trust them in anything and everything, when not everything is about sex, when you greet them you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and wear a big great smile on your face and you rush to meet then with a kiss and hug, when you are apart your heart aches, when you think about the future you only see you and him and possibly marriage and babies, a happy family, if another guy/girl makes a pass at you and you proudly say to them, i have a boyfriend and tell them to back off please, when you look into your lovers eyes and you just keep staring, you just know really, deep down that they are the one, because you'd do anything in the world for that person, and couldn't imagine your life without them.This is very lame but true. You know when you are in love when: -you look at him/her, he/she is the only person you see in the room -he/she smiles, you feel warm heatwaves rushing through your body -he/she looks at you, you want to hold onto the stare forever -every time you go home, you miss his/her voice and smile and personality -you wake up in the morning, the first thing you think of is him/her Believe in your instincts; don't let people put you off true love. Get to know this person before you make any moves.When you can't stand to be away from this person for more than a second and when you have a bad day as soon as you see their face you forget what was wrong and your heart skips a beat when they're around. That's how you know when your in love.When you THINK about that person every night, when you stare at them in class or at work or when you want to tell that person how you feel about him/her, or when you cry about that person and want to send him a letter, but are afraid to.I personally think, when your stomach feels funny, you can't wait to see him/her and you feel very nervous about it too. When you are always thinking of him/her. When you are very shy and timid towards him or her. When your body trembles when touched. I'm pretty sure that's real love.I think that true love is unconditional... It's not about a feeling you have but about a decision you have made... You just know in your heart that this person is for you - not because they are perfect - cause even their imperfections attract you to them... But your strength is their weakness and your weakness is their strength - and so you love balancing one another out and make a great time in the race of life! LOVE IS NOT A FEELING - IT IS AN ACT OF YOUR WILL! And if it is God's plan for you... all the better! You will have absolute peace in your heart!When you are willing to do anything for this person, you think about her/him all the time, you want to be with them, you want to spend time with them, you wonder what they are up too, the thought of them just races through your mind all day, you just want them to always be happy.Well when you are in love it seems like a happy feeling and most probably you would be more positive. You might daydream a lot. You may appear to be nervous and do something completely unpredictable in front of him. You may get nervous when he looks at you. You think a lot about him.If you are truly in love... there is no mistaking it. It's so overwhelming that it seems to take you completely away. Have you ever experienced something so intense, so complete, so infatuating that you seem to disappear, you lose yourself. That's love. When you are with that someone and they are all you see, feel... you lose yourself in that someone. It's scary... but there is no other feeling like it in the whole world. When you wake up in the morning and within minutes... he/she is all you begin thinking about... when you go to bed and your bed is empty... even though your in it... it's empty. When you save your Tee Shirt he/she wore.... you can smell her/his fragrance... your captivated... almost helpless it seems... when your talking on the phone and through any silence... knowing they're on the other end... it's enough...just knowing they're there. It's unbelievable you know.You don't. Love doesn't exist in the ridiculous way that it is broadcast on TV and in books. It just happens and it's not something you can identify or label.When you are truly in love you may not be able to identify or label it at first but you will definitely know it's different from anything you have experienced before and unless you have experienced it you will not understand what is being said on these answers. There are different levels of love and I believe that you can love people along the way in your life but once in a while you meet someone special who just knocks you off your feet. It is very different and you will soon realize that it is very different and special. You accept them for everything that they are, she can walk into the room and everything else disappears, they are always on your mind and in your heart, you can't imagine being with anyone else and even if separated for long periods of time you are never even remotely tempted, you want to share everything that you love with that person and want him or her to share everything that they love with you. They become your world but you become a better individual because of that special person. You have more to offer everyone and everything in your life. If separated for long periods of time it's not "out of sight out of mind" it is ' I can't wait to see him/her again' and it seems to last forever until you do. It is deep love and long-lasting love and can stand the test of time when nothing else does.

So Im very stupid ...





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