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My Mamma Said

熱度 4已有 85 次閱讀2010-7-7 23:54

We dreamed a dream - woke up and lived it 
We had the music in our hands 
The drops of rain - became a river 
And now it's time to end this dance 
- So thank you 

My mamma said that the best thing in life 
Was getting me 
And loving somebody higher than anything 
else in this world baby 
My mamma said that she would give her 
life up for me 

My mamma said that the worst thing in life 
Is getting used 
to loving somebody higher than anything 
else in this world baby 
Knowing you're going to 
Knowing you're going to - lose it all 

Mamma don't leave - don't go 
Don't run - don't hide - don't cry 
Don't ever feel scared now 
Mamma just crossed just crossed 
To the parallel world 
She crossed she crossed to the multiverse 
Circling protons - all vibrations 
Circling neutrons - all vibrations 
Mamma just crossed just crossed to the parallel world 
She crossed she crossed to the multiverse 
And now you're lying there - taking your last breath 
I'm holding back the tears - Oh mamma don't die 

My mamma said... 

Mamma hold on - give in - let go 
Release yourself from everything out there 
Mamma just crossed just crossed 
To the parallel world 
She crossed she crossed to the multiverse 
Circling electrons - all vibrations 
Circling electrons - all vibrations 
Mamma just crossed just crossed to the parallel world 
She crossed she crossed to the multiverse 
And now you're lying there - taking your last breath 
I'm holding back the tears - Oh mamma don't die 

My mamma said...





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