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分享 Lies & Lice.
2009-9-4 16:20
Lies & Lice.
Lies are like lice. Neither is easy to detect, nor easy to get rid of. And they make you itch. You wake up in the morning one day, and you don't know who you are anymore. You decide to jump into a mad dumpster, and trash yourself. You think th ...
262 次閱讀|10 個評論
分享 "Someone Once Told Me... 曾經有人說...
2009-9-1 04:17
"Someone Once Told Me... 曾經有人說...
...that the power in all relationships lies with whoever cares less, and he was right. But power isn't happiness, and I think that maybe... happiness comes from caring more about p ...
424 次閱讀|10 個評論


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