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snowcovers的個人空間 https://www.2girl.net/?106524 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


分享 Alcohol dehydrogenase is the problem?!
2010-11-7 17:45
If I were to do it again...Did you think I would do it the same as I did? I remembered how the L word ef'n worked. Now the Lip Service, god. Have you ever thought of who you really are? Or do you just follow the path of those who you admire? Eventually, you don't know ...
511 次閱讀|3 個評論 熱度 1
分享 在這裡,我跟你說。
2010-10-13 15:40
最近。。。不,應該說,其實不管是分手前,還是之後的五個月, 我還是時常想到你。 至於為什麼要跟你分手,很多事真的說不出口, 因為,你是我最好的朋友。 對你的感覺好深,想找人談可是總覺得沒有人會懂。 所以,總是淺淺的笑著。 因為只有你最了解我,可惜這一次我沒辦法跟你說。 ...
477 次閱讀|0 個評論 熱度 3
分享 下的淚雨
2010-1-12 02:33
騎車回家的路上一直下著雨, 想逃離的速度,強迫著雨不停的打在臉上, 又濕又冷,終於連鼻子都凍紅。 然後,視線開始漸漸變得好模糊, 一切的是這麼自然而然地, 此刻,終於可以不用偷偷地哭了。。。
514 次閱讀|2 個評論 熱度 10
分享 [Interesting] Being judgmental led to evolution of diverse personalities.
2009-12-16 02:48
[Interesting] Being judgmental led to evolution of diverse personalities.
Being judgmental led to evolution of diverse personalities 25 March 2009, by Tom Marshall The world would be a boring place if we were all the same, but why do we have such different personalities? Why is one person's nightmare another's idea of a g ...
607 次閱讀|2 個評論 熱度 3
分享 Late at night。A note to me。
2009-12-16 02:43
Late at night。A note to me。
you know... It disappeared in that Summer. At where you can't find. you are feeling incomplete . You are crying. Late at night. Hoping that becomes glue. Glue the pieces, such as those that make innocence. What should you do? Innocence doesn't make people trust. But that was how y ...
494 次閱讀|0 個評論 熱度 2
分享 搔癢是一種家暴
2009-12-1 00:33
644 次閱讀|0 個評論 熱度 1
2009-9-26 03:29
想盡了辦法 一直埋怨自己的無能 殊不知 其實自己早就站在 那牆 的 另一端了 ----------------------------------- 妳是聰明的,沉著的 總是在等最好的時機發言 所以 這是妳還沒告訴我的原因嗎 ?
285 次閱讀|3 個評論 熱度 5
分享 想到你了。無眠
2009-9-18 13:20
http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/ToGugElH6z8 是希望?還是就像你說的一樣? (你這笨蛋,要快把台語學好喔!)
306 次閱讀|0 個評論 熱度 6
分享 I Hate This Girl.
2009-9-9 23:25
I Hate This Girl.
She always makes me cry.
303 次閱讀|2 個評論 熱度 1

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