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介於頹廢與熱血的英倫搖滾Revival樂隊-Peaceful Land與Take Off

已有 235 次閱讀2019-11-29 10:55 |個人分類:ROCK新秀


但復古英倫搖滾不死 哈哈
另,take off 前奏有點某樂團的感覺
不過整體很棒 編曲方面一等一壓
怎麼半 結尾的伴奏 我快愛死了 XDDD
真心希望這團紅 (謎音:哪根蔥 發表的言論)
Revival - Peaceful Land
Play by: REVIVAL
Music by: Joey Kang
Lyrics by: Davis Savril
Album: Revival Purity

Shame, we gave up the inspiration and intuition deep inside in
Summer days, the sky has been boundless, brightness with happiness but hopeless. Do you feel
The Same, this way for the creation, revolution ain’t you ever wanted for your
Pray, your prediction and you have been desiring for these years.

Whatever it takes, waiting for the time to mend, fix the legacy of the pain, and the sins we have made before
The peaceful land of dreaming, people ever have been seeking,for crisis and sorrows be over and rainbows come closer, the wars will be banned forever….

Elimination’s over we’ll never be afraid
The termination’s ever be forbidden, Eternally

Oh~~ I’m waiting for the time to mend, fix the legacy of the pain, and the sins we have made before
The peaceful land of dreaming, people ever have been seeking,for crisis and sorrows be over and rainbows come closer, the wars will be banned forever…
梦想的和平之地,人们一直在寻找,因为危机和悲伤已经过去,彩虹越来越近,战争将永远被禁止...)  ---我就想到...願香港和平革命落幕

就是這首 每個節點都愛的ROCK曲 喔~~太棒的這段假日 才有與好音樂相遇時點

Revival - Take Off 

Tired of the sight of the rise of the sun

So we can fly to the sky into the cloud to the height of heaven may require

Faith of your inspiration, raise of your intuition, truth of the revelation and take off

*From this region, from this nation, think about the future is like,the dream of what you've been denied

To this heaven,to this paradise,talk about the memory is like,the dream of what you've been realized

Whoever you were

to the right to your heart to your life

Take me fly to the sky into the cloud

The rain has been whispered, the wind has been drifted, the track has been lighted up for your Swift and take off

From this region, from this nation, think about the future is like,the dream of what you've been denied

To this heaven,to this paradise,talk about the memory is like,the dream of what you've been realized

Fly to the sky into the cloud


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