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Wait - Take That

熱度 3已有 321 次閱讀2011-1-17 11:30 |

Wait !
There's something that I want to say
Something that we hid away
Something that I'd like to change
These words have never left a mouth
We never got to get it out
Communication not allowed 
Somethings we don't talk about...

(Oh no! )
Turning into cannibals and everything that she wants is made out of minerals
I don't know what I done she only speaks in subliminals
The reception here is lousy and the service is minimal

(Oh no! )
I live with an Eskimo I
(Swallowed! ) cause we become mechanical and
(Hollow! ) I seem to make you miserable so take your tiny chemicals cause I need a miracle

(Free your soul to me)
Meet me on the corner cause the wall's on fire
(Words can set us free)
Can you make it go away make it stop! Stop!

Wait! There's something that I want to say
Something that we hid away
Something that I'd like to change
These words have never left a mouth
We never got to get it out
Communication not allowed
Somethings we don't talk about

(On no! )
I've fallen off a pedestal and your selected memory is really quite incredible
(Tomorrow! )
When you get forgettable I'll try being wonderful yet totally inedible

(Free your soul to me)
Meet you there in China cross the wall of fire
(Words can set us free)
Can you make it go away make it stop! Stop!

Wait! There's something that I want to say
Something that we hid away
Something that I'd like to change
These words have never left a mouth
We never got to get it out
Communication not allowed
Somethings we don't talk about

(Free your soul) Free your soul to me
(Words can set us free)
Can you make it go away make it stop! Stop!

Wait! There's something that I want to say
Something that we hid away
Something that I'd like to change
These words have never left a mouth
We never got to get it out
Communication not allowed
Somethings we don't talk about

Wait! There's something that I want to say
Something that we hid away
Something that I'd like to change
These words have never left a mouth
We never got to get it out
Communication not allowed
Somethings we don't talk about





剛表態過的朋友 (2 人)

發表評論 評論 (3 個評論)

回復 summer5430 2011-1-17 20:21
好好聽!!! 都醒了~
回復 aqu 2011-1-17 23:20
summer5430: 好好聽!!! 都醒了~
=_= 老人家都很早睡吼 養肝咩
回復 summer5430 2011-1-17 23:41
aqu: =_= 老人家都很早睡吼 養肝咩

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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