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JULY3, 2012

熱度 3已有 32 次閱讀2012-7-3 23:31

There are three million species of animals living in the tropical rain forests, and one of them, the red fire ant, 
lives underground, under constant threat of annihilation from flash floods. 
Nature doesn't care.
If a species wants to survive, it has to prove it deserves to.
When the floods come, the fire ants hold on to each other, creating a living raft that can float until the water recedes.
Months, if necessary.
So how does a species figure something like that out?
Instinct? Trial and error?
Was there one fire ant who was being swept away by the rushing water, and grabbed on to another ant, only to find that together they could float?
What if you were the one who know what needed to be done but you had no words?
How do you make the others understand?
How do you call for help?





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