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殘花敗柳 https://www.2girl.net/?87675 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS] 只是已遲暮。



熱度 1已有 130 次閱讀2013-1-20 20:26 |個人分類:卑微

Sometimes I can't resist thinking that I am filthy from the inside out for what I have said, thought or acted.
It's mostly of the lies I have told.
I think I have a nasty habit of hiding the truth, whatever the reason I may have, I have never thought it's justified for one second.
But it's just something I cannot quit, maybe I'm not ready to be exposed, or maybe I am just too used to this kind of lifestyle.
It's dangerous to be honest.
Somethings just never fade away, the curses, the yelling and my tears shattering on the ground.
I do have a good memory, and sometimes I hate myself for remembering only the ugliness of ourselves.
I cannot let it go, not the ugly fights nor the good times we have had.
Even til this point I still imagine someday you will hold me like you used to and tell me nothing will change and that everything is OK.
I dont care if the they are lies, because your attempt to lie lets me know that you still care.
I don't know how long I can hold up for this, but until that day comes, I......

All I need is a hug.
That's it.





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