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已有 427 次閱讀2009-9-4 19:52 |

tautology which means something is absoultely correct but do not have any meaning
for example : my mom is a woman.
everyone knows that mom must be a woman, no one can doubt this fact
it seems so easy to know but how come when i having this quection in economics
i answer it wrongly
why a high school student need to study in an univerity level
the most funnest thing is that the first chapter you don't know what is it talking about
and the next chapter said that "the first chapter is very difficult to understand and if you don't know the meaning then is fine , you can skip it.
what the damn shit text book!
i am mad





發表評論 評論 (28 個評論)

回復 chianiki 2009-9-4 20:55
Maybe the subsequent chapters exactly kill your interest in this subjest.
回復 joannawong 2009-9-4 21:31
chianiki: Maybe the subsequent chapters exactly kill your interest in this subjest.
i don't have other choice T^T
回復 chianiki 2009-9-4 21:36
joannawong: i don't have other choice T^T
As a student, the only thing you can do is accept everything that
school want to give you.
回復 阿超 2009-9-4 22:07
回復 joannawong 2009-9-4 22:33
chianiki: As a student, the only thing you can do is accept everything that
school want to give you.
yes...no reject
回復 joannawong 2009-9-4 22:34
阿超: 頭好痛..
回復 阿超 2009-9-4 22:53
joannawong: why?
英文..英文 英文
回復 joannawong 2009-9-5 13:59
阿超: 英文..英文 英文
= =try to learn it
回復 阿超 2009-9-5 15:26
joannawong: = =try to learn it
回復 joannawong 2009-9-5 15:44
阿超: 直視他我就頭痛了
then try
回復 阿超 2009-9-5 16:51
joannawong: then try
回復 joannawong 2009-9-5 20:32
阿超: 妳害我暈倒了
it's your problem
回復 阿超 2009-9-5 20:34
joannawong: it's your problem
回復 joannawong 2009-9-5 20:35
阿超: 你是一直故意用英文就是了ˋˊ
yea~ i want you to accept it
回復 阿超 2009-9-5 20:36
joannawong: yea~ i want you to accept it
我是不排斥 也不討厭拉

我也看的懂   就是  無法輸出 我不會講 也不會寫 XDDD
回復 joannawong 2009-9-5 20:39
阿超: 我是不排斥 也不討厭拉

我也看的懂   就是  無法輸出 我不會講 也不會寫 XDDD
you need to try
回復 阿超 2009-9-5 20:40
joannawong: you need to try
我會辭窮   阿寫是 我實在是  忘記怎麼拼.....
回復 joannawong 2009-9-5 20:40
阿超: 我會辭窮   阿寫是 我實在是  忘記怎麼拼.....
try and practise!
回復 阿超 2009-9-5 20:41
joannawong: try and practise!
囧 你們有這種環境 我們沒有阿!!
回復 joannawong 2009-9-5 20:43
阿超: 囧 你們有這種環境 我們沒有阿!!
then start from here

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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