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Sara https://www.2girl.net/?201492 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS] You should go and love/fuck yourself


熱度 4已有 61 次閱讀2015-4-11 11:28

昨天因為友人介紹寶塚的音樂劇 伊莉莎白
聽到一段我好喜歡的歌 便上網開始密集搜尋
發現這齣音樂劇德文版也是很有名的 當然世界各地都有翻唱

話不多說 直接用音樂來感動我們吧




I will not give up my own self, Just to be with you
I will not be glad just to do what I'm told to do
I'm not meant to be your property
Now I belong to me

If I want to reach for the stars, you can't hold me back
I want to take chances far off from the beaten track
Don't force me to be what I can't be
I belong to me

If you try to take me, I will not obey 
I'd rather leave you alone
If you try to change me, I must break away
To be what I am on my own

I'm freezing, I'm burning, I live without compromise
I'm growing, I'm learning, I'm ready to pay the price
So don't fence me in, I must be free
'cause I belong to me

I hate to be burdened with duties that I despise
You know I can't stand to be watched by a thousand eyes
When I see them coming, it makes me flee 
For I belong to me

If you want to keep me, don't hold me so tight
I can't give my life for your love
If you want to break me, I won't even fight
I'll just fly away like a dove 

I'm here when you need me, I'll live and I'll die with you 
I'll share all your troubles, I'll laugh and I'll cry with you
You can blame me and bless me, but you cannot possess me
Cause I belong to me

I belong to me




Wenn ich tanzen will,
Dan tanz ich so wie's mir gefällt,
Ich allein bestimm' die stunde
Ich allein wähl die musik!
Wenn ich tanzen will,
Dan tanz ich,
Auf meine ganz besond're art.
Am rand des abgrunds,
Oder nur in deinem blick!
Wenn ich tanzen will,
Dan tanz ich so wie's mir gefällt,
Ich allein bestimm' die stunde
Ich allein wähl die musik!
Wenn ich tanzen will,
Dan tanz ich,
Auf meine ganz besond're art.
Am rand des abgrunds,
Oder nur in deinem blick...
Wenn ich tanzen will,
Und mit wem ich tanzen will,
Bestimm nur ich allein!

看到德文版的就又搜尋相關連結就看到這齣 魯道夫

"I was born to love you"





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