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Beautiful 因為有你

熱度 2已有 65 次閱讀2010-6-25 03:17 |

Damien Leith
I walked this earth to find the road
On which you're leading
I found the path that brings me home
And keeps me breathing
You fill the room with something only angels see
Nobody knows me like you do and leaves me weak

You are so beautiful
You’re all that I know all that is true
You are so beautiful

I found a place in life
It’s where I rest my head now
You opened up a side of me and let it out
What I believed was only half before I met you
I’d drop it all without a doubt

You are so beautiful
You’re all that I know all that is true
You are so beautiful

And I know why it is I'm...

So taken so easy and I can’t hide it
The way I’ve been feeling
You shine a light

You are so beautiful
You’re all that I know all that is true
You are so beautiful
You are so beautiful

You’re all that I want





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