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I\'m no angel

熱度 3已有 116 次閱讀2009-11-12 23:38 |個人分類:心情|

I\'m no angel
If you gave me just a coin for every time we say goodbye
Well I\'d be rich beyond my dreams, I\'m sorry for my weary life
I know I\'m not perfect but I can smile
And I hope that you see this heart behind my tired eyes
If you tell me that I can\'t, I will, I will, I\'ll try all night
And If I say I\'m coming home, I\'ll probably be out all night
I know I can be afraid but I\'m alive
And I hope that you trust this heart behind my tired eyes
I\'m no angel, but please don\'t think that I won\'t try and try
I\'m no angel, but does that mean that I can\'t live my life
I\'m no angel, but please don\'t think that I can\'t cry
I\'m no angel, but does that mean that I won\'t fly
I know I\'m not around each night
And I know I always think I\'m right
I can believe that you might look around
I\'m no angel, but please don\'t think that I won\'t try and try
I\'m no angel, but does that mean that I can\'t live my life
I\'m no angel, but please don\'t think that I can\'t cry
I\'m no angel, but does that mean that I won\'t fly.





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