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[同志電影] The World Unseen


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發表於 2009-4-3 05:58:37 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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本帖最後由 Greg 於 2009-4-3 06:07 編輯

wow, I just watched from tudou, it is not a comedy and it is completely different than the other movie,  I can't think straight!  but I think it has more story and message express, particular, about racism.  

影片是謝米姆.薩爾弗Shamim Sarif根據自己創作的同名小說改編並擔任導演,描寫的是在50年代南非種族隔離區的兩位婦女之間的危險的同性戀關系。

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發表於 2009-5-11 19:18:05 | 顯示全部樓層
I liked this movie as well
even though it does not as many love scences in it
but the acting was still great, a total change from I can't think straight
how the Lisa Ray is the shy one in this movie ( but I still love her)
it sort of shows us that nothing can really stop us from falling in love
love both movies
those two should just get together haha

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