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Carry on.....


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發表於 2014-1-30 09:24:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 upscaletrend 於 2014-1-30 09:48 編輯

Carry on
By Chris De Burgh

今天是除夕 就要告別農曆年的2013了。
郭董說 新的一年會有大事發生
我想跟大家說 只要心存善念正念
所有大事 都是小事 無事 心安就平安
我們所要做的 只是繼續Carry On and moving on...
祝大家有 精進的2014。
Happy CNY !!!

Whatever the words that you hear,
Somehow the meaning is clear,
We're all on the same ship together, moving on,

From the first time that life could be heard,
To the last sounds of men on this earth,
The question is always the same, where are we going, where are we going?

Ooh carry on, carry on,
There's a silver light beside you,
Take the hand that's there to guide you,
Through this night to where we came from,

Carry on, carry on,
When the autumn leaves are falling,
And you hear the voices calling you away,
Then do not fear, you'll carry on

Love is the daughter of life, comfort to trouble and strife,
She's always beside you to help you carry on,
Oh they say that the stars in the sky,
Are the souls of the people who die,
Will we meet them again when we reach our destinations?

Ooh carry on, carry on,
There's a silver light beside you,

Take the hand that's there to guide you,
Through this night to where we came from,

Carry on, carry on,
When the autumn leaves are falling,
And you hear the voices calling you away,
Then do not fear, you'll carry on, carry on,

Carry on, carry on ... ooh carry on...


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