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樓主: Joielai0

[討論] 瑞典P


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發表於 2012-1-2 15:15:55 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:2GIRL的網址統一變更為 https://www.2girl.net,請記得更改你的「我的最愛/我的書籤」喔
回復 Joielai0 的帖子

i live in perth. it s in western australia. far away from sydney and east coast!
i know!! i love the nitelife there too!!!!
mandarine is not that hard and u will be surprised how many of them can actually speak english!!!
u will be good!!! dont worry!


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發表於 2012-1-10 20:10:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Where in Sweden do you live?  Have you seen aurora borealis this winter yet?!  I'm dying to visit Santa in Lapland!!

I am Taiwanese-American studying in Edinburgh now!  Nice to meet you~


In varberg, its a little town near gothenburg. Why lapland? cool! nice to meet u!  發表於 2012-1-12 21:43

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發表於 2012-1-12 21:21:40 | 顯示全部樓層



I never been there, but I think it is a beautiful country...you are lucky~haha I study Spanish in Taiwan, but never have a chance to go abroad...  發表於 2012-1-15 21:34
nice to meet you, so you will stay there forever?  發表於 2012-1-15 21:33
haha thx xD ya i can me and my family moved year for 9years ago!  發表於 2012-1-12 21:44

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發表於 2012-1-15 21:32:27 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 wanyahchachalin 的帖子

so you will stay there forever?

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-21 23:12:33 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 wanyahchachalin 的帖子

have u been there? well i really don't hope so.. but u'll never know!
cool, how long have been learning?


oh ok.. cool! so thoughtful of u! but ya do it, its very different! well i really want to go there and even that i haven't, i think already like it :D  發表於 2012-1-30 02:52
one day, if you come to Taiwan, you will love here too. ^^  發表於 2012-1-28 12:00
I think one day I can go to Europe for trip, hahaha..but I will live in Taiwan forever...for stay close to the girl I love...hehehe  發表於 2012-1-28 11:59
I learned Spanish for four years when I studied in the university...and now I am working, around five years...I think...hahaha  發表於 2012-1-28 11:57

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發表於 2012-1-26 01:27:49 | 顯示全部樓層
瑞典耶!!!!!!!!!! 我好想去 XDDD不過說實在的我地理不太好
還有芬蘭也好想去 ~~~
不過我想去芬蘭純粹是因為想看他們的牛 =.="
正確來說我應該想去整個歐洲 XDDDD

我目前只學了德文..而且很弱 = ="

很高興認識妳哦 XDDD


yep it is! haha cows... really? xD have u been to europe? a lot of different languages actually.. Dutch is quite similar to swedish! nice to meet u too! :D  發表於 2012-1-28 07:31

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發表於 2012-1-26 14:27:36 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi, Jolie,

我是香港人, 新年快樂! 我沒到過瑞典, 但想必定很凍.


Hi! happy new year to u too! ya it is....and boring!!!  發表於 2012-1-28 07:32

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發表於 2012-1-28 15:00:10 | 顯示全部樓層
恩,還有土撥鼠 XDDD
感覺那邊有大草原可以盡情奔跑這樣 XD

不過老師好像有說歐洲好像有1.2種語言是大部分地區都能溝通的 @@


haha ya, it's almost like that!! i don't think so but the languages can be alike if the countries are neighbors... i think!  發表於 2012-1-30 02:55

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