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[其他海外] 1/31 weekend in Boston!


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發表於 2014-1-28 12:43:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
網站小提醒:2GIRL的網址統一變更為 https://www.2girl.net,請記得更改你的「我的最愛/我的書籤」喔
Anyone in Boston? I'm going to MIT for a pistol match this weekend. If you wanna hang out, please please hit mt up!
We can grab a drink/coffee/tea & chat. Love meeting LGBTQ friends :)) 我是高雄人, 中文說的很好的!

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發表於 2014-1-28 17:10:17 | 顯示全部樓層


@TrenF 對對~我跟我們學校手槍射擊隊去麻省理工比賽~  發表於 2014-2-6 12:51
他說的意思好像是... 他再波斯頓讀書 他要去一個什麼東(手槍比賽?)的在週末 , 看有沒有人也住在那 想和他一起去的 或是去喝茶喝咖啡...非常歡迎大...  發表於 2014-2-2 21:27

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 樓主| 發表於 2014-1-28 19:35:28 | 顯示全部樓層
zaq840525 發表於 2014-1-28 17:10

不是不是~我是高雄人現在在美國讀書~這周末要去波士頓, 問問看有沒有人要一起玩的 :)

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發表於 2014-2-2 16:46:55 | 顯示全部樓層
hey 你英文好強哦~~ 超羨慕!!

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 樓主| 發表於 2014-2-6 12:48:24 | 顯示全部樓層
TzuTzu 發表於 2014-2-2 16:46
hey 你英文好強哦~~ 超羨慕!!

呵呵謝啦~真的覺得學語言如果不是天賦異常的話, 環境真的想學好一個語言很大的幫助
你好呀~很高興認識你 :)
題外話, 回你短髮話題, 你短髮很好看呢!
雖然還不認識你的個性, 但就覺得短髮很適合你 :))
嘉義人嗎? 我去年回台灣有去嘉義玩唷! 阿里山那邊~

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 樓主| 發表於 2014-2-7 13:49:22 | 顯示全部樓層
陳婷婷 發表於 2014-2-7 12:56
where r u now ? Im living in Haiwaii now. I always travel to CA to play volleyball game. I went to I ...

Hawaii?!! wow nice!! living in a dream aren't you hahaNever been there but always want to go for a vacation.
Iowa? That's in the middle of no where! Why did you love it?

i'm back to Maryland now, on the east coast. pretty much the other side of the world from Hawaii haha


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 樓主| 發表於 2014-2-7 13:59:41 | 顯示全部樓層
陳婷婷 發表於 2014-2-7 13:54
Yeah!! Aloha!!! you should come over there before i finish my degree. Iowa, i know it is in the mi ...

Aloha! Of course I would love to! I'm finishing up my college education in May tho. Going back to Taiwan after graduation. Hopefully I will be able to pay a visit.
I do! Let me message you my ID. haha it's 1 am now. Wayyyy pass my bed time!

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發表於 2014-3-5 14:34:01 | 顯示全部樓層
I would like to meet you guys if we have any chance to meet up in US. I am Amanda, or 小潔 if you like to call me in Chinese.
Me and my girl currently live in Taipei.
  I just started an IVF procedure in CA to make our very own baby :D, thus we will need to travel to the States for several times in this year.
My clinic is near Irvine, I just spent 2 weeks there for my first egg retrieval, and it was so boring.... :(
  It would be great if we can know and meet someone there next time~~~~ :)


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 樓主| 發表於 2014-3-6 23:51:10 | 顯示全部樓層
SummerChieh 發表於 2014-3-5 14:34
I would like to meet you guys if we have any chance to meet up in US. I am Amanda, or 小潔 if  ...

Hey Amanda,
Wow congrats!!! That's so awesome that you girlsare making your own baby. I'm so very happy for you two :)
2 weeks in CA? Did you get to go out at all? I love CA. It’ssuch a nice place. Love the weather, the food and the BEACH! It’s kinda far away fromwhere I live. I'm in Annapolis, Maryland, the other side of the US lol. Iwould love to meet you both when I get back to Taiwan in June tho.
Good luck on everything! Make cute babies haha.

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發表於 2014-3-7 10:15:09 | 顯示全部樓層
jugy 發表於 2014-3-6 23:51
Hey Amanda,Wow congrats!!! That's so awesome that you girlsare making your own baby. I'm so very h ...

Meet up in Taiwan sounds gr8!
I need to step in to the clinic every 2 days, to have my ultrasonic done and blood test also in that 2 weeks.
So we can't travel too far from hotel. But we did went to the beach several times to enjoy the wind breeze and sunlight.
Oh and sunset was awesome too!!
But the food.... well I have to say, maybe we should goto downtown next time lol,
Food we got near Irvine.... uhm, was kinda awful
That's why we cook everyday at home since the day we came back to Taipei :D


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