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[其他海外] Hi~ I'm Korean living in Perth (Aus)!!


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發表於 2013-7-26 15:07:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
網站小提醒:發表文章或日誌時,強烈建議 不要留下電話或個人隱私的資料,避免被有心人竊取喔!
Please understand writing in EnglishT^T
(actually I've spent 2 days to find a 'write' button and activate my account....-_-;;;)

Reason I write here is to get Taiwanese (same team) friend.

So far I've met several Taiwanese friend here and found them very nice and having common sense to Koreans^^

(Little bit pitty they are not lez.....T^T)

So please don't hesitate to send me a msg if you are in Perth or plan to come^^


nice to meet you! :)  發表於 2013-8-3 06:01
hello~hello there~~nice to meet you !Taiwan is an awesome place to visit!!Welcome~  發表於 2013-7-28 22:56


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發表於 2013-7-27 01:51:05 | 顯示全部樓層
Do you understand for chinese ?


Not at all...... sorry......T^T  發表於 2013-7-27 12:06
obviously not hahaha that's y she couldn't find the post button =]  發表於 2013-7-27 06:37

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發表於 2013-7-27 06:38:33 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:發表文章或日誌時,強烈建議 不要留下電話或個人隱私的資料,避免被有心人竊取喔!
hey buddy nice to meet you there,
I am Carlos from Hong Kong ( not tw sorry)
hope you enjoy this place,
I know TW is awesome n ppl there too!


Hi buddy! I also like Hong Kong back ground people as well!! Although I don't understand Mandarin or Cantonese, I think this site is awesome!!  發表於 2013-7-27 12:09

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發表於 2013-7-27 14:11:21 | 顯示全部樓層

I am yuki from hongkong, nice to meet you!
Perth is a lovely city in Australia,
you know, London court, swan bell, lying on the glass in king park with sunshine and birds,
What a comfortable place.Love these place so much!
I hv been to Australia for 2 years and met some Korean girl and still keep in touch^^
Hope you can hv fun and meet taiwanese here !:]


Yes here is!! I'm so glad to hear that you got some Korean friends and still keep in touch with them! Hope you have good impression with Aus and Koreans^^  發表於 2013-7-27 14:58

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發表於 2013-7-27 17:00:31 | 顯示全部樓層
hi, there ~ I m Emily, although i m not living in Perth, i m living in Adelaide (which is next state of WA) . But welcome to Aus. Love to see more asian lez here ~
by the way, I m from Hong Kong too~


I lived in adelade for two years,are u also working holiday?^^  發表於 2013-7-27 22:20
Thanks for your reply. Actually I have been here about 6 years and visited Adelaide 4 years ago!! I can see many asian lez girls here(I suspect that they are mostly from Taiwan or Hong Kong^^;;)  發表於 2013-7-27 17:55

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發表於 2013-7-28 12:06:28 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi~ This is Jessica. I'm from Taiwan and living in NSW. Nice to meet you.Do you have KAKAOTALK? Maybe I can add you and we can talk sometime.
Enjoy your time in AUS. Have a good good day. :)


Wow! I thought only Koreans use Kakao Talk!! My ID is paradox715. Please add me^^  發表於 2013-7-28 12:39

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發表於 2013-7-28 15:12:54 | 顯示全部樓層
milymily 發表於 2013-7-27 17:00
hi, there ~ I m Emily, although i m not living in Perth, i m living in Adelaide (which is next state ...

hi, swing,  i m living in adelaide for ten years, i m citizen here. r u still in adelaide ? maybe we should catch up for coffee or dinner ~
here my line ID: mmbl

love to make more friends in here ~ ^^

hi, paradox715, i just been to Perth in the begining of July , it is a nice city there, and they seems to have more asian lez there compared to adelaide ... a bit jealous...


Nice to meet u,I hv already back to hongkong, finished my working and trip Adelaide is a small city but people are very nice, I like rundle mall, quite a lot of art and music performance every weekend   發表於 2013-7-28 21:02

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發表於 2013-7-28 23:42:36 | 顯示全部樓層
안녕! 반갑습니다
But I am not Taiwanese.. I am Malaysian
I know a little bit Korean only


Somehow the reply is bit funny T^T  發表於 2013-9-30 00:33
안녕하세요~ 반가워요^^ Here is quite multicultural site! I'm so impressed!  發表於 2013-9-30 00:25
안녕하세요^^ 반가워요~ This site is very multicultural! So impressed^^  發表於 2013-7-30 18:43

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發表於 2013-8-1 19:20:45 | 顯示全部樓層
love to see more ppl come into this board ~~


So do I^^  發表於 2013-8-5 20:37

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發表於 2013-8-18 18:49:27 | 顯示全部樓層
Hello there , although im not from taiwan but im from malaysia :) ive been to korea for vacation . its a really nice place ..
nice to meet u :) by the way ,im wendy hehehe


Welcome everyone~!! It doesn't matter where you are from~^^ Nice to meet you~  發表於 2013-9-29 23:44

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