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[其他海外] How about this--> past overseas now settlers in Taiwan?


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發表於 2013-4-2 22:47:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Whether you had studied or worked in some other foreign countries before, but now you have come back to settle for good.

Are you one of them?


studying. but im going back in may for 4 months :)  發表於 2013-4-7 13:10
What you doing there?  發表於 2013-4-6 20:24
haha like few more years soon @@ im in canada :)  發表於 2013-4-6 16:23
Yeah? How soon? Like tomorrow? Where are you at =)  發表於 2013-4-5 22:01
still overseas, but is gona go back for good soon!  發表於 2013-4-5 15:08
Good on you =)  發表於 2013-4-4 18:03
I prefer to work in big city - New York.  發表於 2013-4-4 10:30
Howdy :)  發表於 2013-4-3 14:03

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發表於 2013-4-8 01:39:24 | 顯示全部樓層
I used to studied in USA for one year, but I plan to go to Australia for working holiday now!How about you??


I am in Taiwan at the moment :) You planning to go to AU this year?  發表於 2013-4-9 19:26

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發表於 2013-4-8 09:34:09 | 顯示全部樓層
yeah, came back for good but it doesnt wook so good.dont u guys think settle in oversea is much better?
in spite of family issue and all those ,staying in oversea
could be a better option.


i totally screw up with those Chinese culture, people are 2political, wall is build in between. Upon now, for spending few years in this homeland, i still screw things around, should I say inflexible  發表於 2013-4-19 01:01
Agree, I don't understand the cultural in Taiwan that well...  發表於 2013-4-19 00:12
我覺得年輕對外地的生活不會太喜歡,娛樂較少,但當在地打工時,因為台灣腳步太趕,你又會懷念外國的日子  發表於 2013-4-15 12:08
and better entertainment choices in terms of stuff like night markets, etc.. lol  發表於 2013-4-9 19:29
So are you saying you will go abroad again? Or you are stuck in here, lol Personally the reason i would choose to stay here is for me to easily meet more Taiwanese friends  發表於 2013-4-9 19:29

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發表於 2013-4-11 23:26:21 | 顯示全部樓層


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發表於 2013-4-16 12:51:36 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 art931015 的帖子

Yeah~ I'm going to go AU with few friends next month.Where do you return from?


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發表於 2013-4-18 07:11:09 | 顯示全部樓層
I am heading to Taiwan to work holiday.Sounds pretty weird eh? When Tons of people are heading to Oz and NZ


Eh, 要你的國籍國和台灣有Work holiday agreement 就能申請了。台灣工作好似沒有澳洲好找,但是作為學習中華文化是一個很好的機會啦  發表於 2013-4-19 10:16
請問如何申請到的=_=" 還有台灣會比較易打工嗎  發表於 2013-4-19 00:57

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發表於 2013-4-19 10:11:02 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 YSXQ 的帖子

Eh, 要你的國籍國和台灣有Work holiday agreement 就能申請了。台灣工作好似沒有澳洲好找,但是作為學習中華文化是一個很好的機會啦。

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