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2010-7-16 03:09| 發佈者: Wolf.of.Sahara| 查看: 495| 評論: 0

在參議院投票表決通過此案後, 阿根廷已成為拉丁美洲*第一個合法化同志婚姻的國家.


參議院經過14小時激烈辯論後, 以只有6張反對票近全面支持此議案.

此法案除了結婚權還同時給予同志伴侶收養權, 並一直遭到天主教以及其他宗教團體激烈反對.

克里斯蒂娜·費爾南德斯(Cristina Fernandez)總統的偏左政府以33對27加3棄權通過此法案.

辯論一直持續到星期四清晨, 支持和反對派在國會外面舉行相對的示威活動.

"幾乎所有政治和社會上的重要人物**都為支持婚姻平權發聲了," 阿根廷LGBT聯盟盟主, Maria Rachid, 說.

"我們希望參議院反映這觀點, 讓阿根廷從今以後是更為家庭平等的國家," 她說.

阿根廷家庭Argentina團體的Ines Frank說反對並不等於歧視, "因為一個家庭的要素就是兩個異性的人."

阿根廷最近已經舉行過數次同志婚姻, 其中一些被最高法院宣告無效, 造成法律上的爭議.

同性兩人之間的民事結合在布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)和一些其他省份是合法的, 但是至今為止一直沒有國家性的法律來管理.

阿根廷首都被廣遍的認為是拉丁美洲對同志最友善的城市. 它是拉丁美洲第一個合法化同性民事結合的城市.

同性民事結合在烏拉圭及一些在巴西以及墨西哥的區域也是合法. 墨西哥市則准許同性婚姻.

翻譯: Wolf.Of.Sahara

*Latine America 此區域包括南美洲和更多不在南美大陸上的國家
**figure 通常指的是被認得的知名人物


15 July 2010  Last updated at 04:40 ET

Argentine Senate backs bill legalising gay marriage

The Argentine Senate Debate continued until the early hours of Thursday

Argentina has become the first country in Latin America to legalise gay marriage after the Senate voted in favour.

The country's Chamber of Deputies had already approved the legislation.

The vote in the Senate, which backed the bill by just six votes, came after 14 hours of at times heated debate.

The law, which also allows same-sex couples to adopt, had met with fierce opposition from the Catholic Church and other religious groups.

The legislation, backed by President Cristina Fernandez's centre-left government, passed by 33 votes to 27 with three abstentions.

Outside Congress, as the debate continued into the early hours of Thursday, supporters and opponents of the bill held rival demonstrations.

"Nearly every political and social figure has spoken out in favour of marriage equality," said Maria Rachid, president of the Argentine Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals.

"And we hope that the Senate reflects this and that Argentina, from today forward, is a more just country for all families," she told the Associated Press.

Ines Frank, from a group called Argentine Familiies Argentina, said opposition was not discrimination "because the essence of a family is between two people of opposite sexes".

There have been several gay marriages recently in Argentina, some of which were annulled by the Supreme Court, creating a legal controversy.

Civil unions between people of the same sex are legal in Buenos Aires and in some other provinces but there was no law to regulate it on a country-wide level.

Argentina's capital is widely considered to be among the most gay-friendly cities in Latin America. It was the first Latin American city to legalise same-sex unions.

Same-sex civil unions are also legal in Uruguay and some states in Brazil and Mexico, while gay marriage is legal in Mexico City.









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