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[鳥類] 我家BB張的養成心得


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發表於 2015-7-13 11:55:08 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
網站小提醒:2GIRL的網址統一變更為 https://www.2girl.net,請記得更改你的「我的最愛/我的書籤」喔
大家好 以下是我要介紹我家的BB張 在去年2014 4/7 住處門口撿到的

他是一隻公的家麻雀 從他未睜眼  我照顧至今

希望各位禽控 會喜歡我與兒子的照片故事


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發表於 2015-7-13 18:39:04 | 顯示全部樓層
網站小提醒:2GIRL的網址統一變更為 https://www.2girl.net,請記得更改你的「我的最愛/我的書籤」喔
How beautiful!

Can she/he fly or sing like other birds?

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發表於 2015-7-13 18:57:32 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2015-7-15 04:34:47 | 顯示全部樓層
Applemeimei 發表於 2015-7-13 18:39
How beautiful!

Can she/he fly or sing like other birds?

yeah sure he could do

he is very normal like other birds

just the missing parts is.......

he doesn't think he is a bird and plus he never see any others so

make him behave like a real kid =  =''

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發表於 2015-7-15 05:26:15 | 顯示全部樓層

A bird behaves like a kid is super cute!  :)

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