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10/26 - Tour de Bronx


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本帖最後由 subnetsurfer 於 2014-9-22 22:05 編輯

10/26有 Tour de Bronx 有25 miles 和 40 miles的路線 我2011 2012參加過兩次 很有趣 很刺激 主辦單位全程提供 水 零食 午餐 和到達目的地的 水 食物 和紀念 T-shirt

With two routes, a trip to the beach, high hills and some of New York City's largest parks, the Tour de Bronx has something for everyone. Ride 25 or 40 miles at your own pace.

Tour de Bronx: October 26th, 2014
Enter your e-mail address here to be alerted as soon as registration opens.

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