effjkefr9 發表於 2018-12-31 13:59:39


春節就是要到埔里玩啊!!佳園渡假山莊CHINESE NEW YEAR IS THE BEST TIME TO HANGOUT IN PULI.JIA YUAN RESORT https://i.imgur.com/ftkHb4A.jpg我們提供舒適、自然的住宿環境位於觀光資源豐富的埔里,週邊很多好玩好吃!!到南投其他景點也都很方便喔! We offer the most comfortable room withbeautiful secery.Jia yuan resort located in a good place,because it’s next to many spots.It’s convince to go to any touristattraction. https://i.imgur.com/Bd1zzQz.jpg周遭景點推薦:1.   暨南大學櫻花季→不只能賞花還能品茶野餐2.   桃米生態村→白天看蝴蝶、蜻蜓,晚上找青蛙還能來參觀紙做的教堂3.   廣興紙寮→一起來學學如何做出一張屬於自己的紙4.   南投炭雕藝術博物館→來看看各式各樣您所想不到的炭雕藝術品 Tourist attractions recommended.--- 1. Jinan University's cherry blossomseason → not only can enjoy flowers but also teapicnic2. Peach Rice Ecological Village → Watching butterflies during the day, squatting, looking for frogsat night can also visit the church made of paper3.Guangxing Paperboard→Art to learn how to make a piece of paper of your own4. Nantou Carbon Sculpture Art Museum → Take a look at all kinds of charcoal art that you can't thinkof 寧靜與自然生態民宿,每一間的客房,有著不同的創意擺設,與迷漫著其獨特的風格與氛圍,房間內的乾淨舒適、寬敞明亮,更成為親子家庭與遊客廣受青睞的優選渡假場所。我們熱情好客,每一個日子都想邀你一起來玩,快來搶先預定吧 : )Jia Yuan Resort is surrounded by mountains.In different room, you can found creative decoration. Of course, it’s clean andcomfortable, where most of family preferred.We are welcome customers from differentcountry, and we want to invite you guys visiting here anytime. So …don’thesitate to make a reservation. I promised that you will get good memorieshere.埔里民宿|佳園渡假山莊地址:南投縣埔里鎮桃米里桃米巷6-8號服務專線:0920-055-099或049-2914899訂房信箱:a2914899@yahoo.com.tw官方網站:http://www.2914899.tw粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/puli.chiayuan Jia Yuan ResortTEL:0920-055-099ADD:No.6-8, Taomi Ln.,Puli Township, Nantou County 54552, Taiwan (R.O.C.)WEB:http://jy.okgo.tw/RESERVATION:http://jy.okgo.tw/room.html#menu 部落客感動推薦!Bloggersrecommend!妮妮女王:佳園渡假山莊-埔里民宿/桃米生態村民宿/http://nikki20100403.pixnet.net/blog/post/449270681 Eva旅遊美食記:【住宿】原木打造的民宿。漂木鄉外,更可以看的出整棟民宿的用心http://eva0107.pixnet.net/blog/post/444831536 雀兒喜:【南投*住】埔里佳園民宿http://lambcherish.pixnet.net/blog/post/201043434 桃米民宿,南投包棟民宿,日月潭包棟,日月潭民宿,日月潭住宿
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