ponkjs6554 發表於 2018-1-8 16:24:15


從小到大都玩不膩的景點//比佛利度假山莊Qingjing is a good place that I alwaysvisit since I was a child. 這禮拜的休假我帶爸媽來清境玩剛好隔天也可以和爸媽憶起去拜訪他們住在南投的老朋友My parents and I visit Qingjing thisholiday.And next day, we planned to visit my parents’old friends together.

我記得小時候爸媽也很常帶我來這裡玩我推估大概是他們很喜歡南投的風景哈哈When I was a child, my parents and I alwaysvisited here.I guess that my parents like the scenehere. Haha.

青青草原的剃羊毛秀是最有名的,只需要一眨眼的瞬間,剃羊毛的工作就完成了!!當然,遊客可以在這裡和綿羊拍照或者來一支最消暑的牛奶霜淇淋,讓所有遊客暫時忘卻所有的煩惱。The sheep shearing show on Green GreenGrasslands is very famous. The shepherd will shear a sheep’s wool withinseconds, which always puts the audience in awe. Also, tourists can takepictures with sheep and eat the sheep milk ice cream. The Evergreen Grasslandscan make tourists temporarily forget busy life.

此外我們還參觀了新設的空中步道這裡設有六座景觀平臺,讓我們可以直接眺望中央山脈及奇萊山。We visited the new opened skywalk here aswell. Also, we overlooked the central Range and Chilai Mountain on these sixlandscape platforms.
https://i.imgur.com/LujSY4a.jpg 晚上我們住的地方是「比佛利度假山莊」The hotel we stay was Bevely B&B.

我爸媽和我都超喜歡這裡的My parents and I love here very much, letme introduce to you then you will know.

民宿設計以香杉木為主,只為讓旅客能有更舒適的住宿環境To make a comfortable environment fortravelers, the room was made by cedar. https://i.imgur.com/3aNxt3S.jpg

另外,所有房間都有獨立的觀景台,面對山勢雄偉的百山群峰,是我最喜歡的!There’s a viewing platform facing majesticmountains in each room, which is my favorite. https://i.imgur.com/bZUbnXR.jpg

早上民宿還有提供養生的營養早餐,幫我們開啟美好的一天A good day start with organic and nutritionbreakfast prepared by the hotel.

在這裡可以觀雲海、賞日出、看星星,讓您悠閒的徜徉在群山的懷抱當中。Scenic View coffee seats surrounded bybeauty view. You can see sea of clouds, sunrise and stars. It’s awesome!file:///C:/Users/user383/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image020.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/yBcjLec.jpg 電話:049-2803781地址:南投縣仁愛鄉大同村榮光巷23-1號 TEL:049-2803781ADD:No.23-1, RongguangLn, Cingjing, Nantou, Taiwan
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