sophia123 發表於 2012-1-2 15:15:55

回復 Joielai0 的帖子

i live in perth. it s in western australia. far away from sydney and east coast!
i know!! i love the nitelife there too!!!!
mandarine is not that hard and u will be surprised how many of them can actually speak english!!!
u will be good!!! dont worry!

voyager 發表於 2012-1-10 20:10:33

Where in Sweden do you live?Have you seen aurora borealis this winter yet?!I'm dying to visit Santa in Lapland!! [:face10:]

I am Taiwanese-American studying in Edinburgh now!Nice to meet you~ [:face32:]

wanyahchachalin 發表於 2012-1-12 21:21:40



wanyahchachalin 發表於 2012-1-15 21:32:27

回復 wanyahchachalin 的帖子

so you will stay there forever?

Joielai0 發表於 2012-1-21 23:12:33

回復 wanyahchachalin 的帖子

have u been there? well i really don't hope so.. but u'll never know!
cool, how long have been learning?

羊~ir461586 發表於 2012-1-26 01:27:49

瑞典耶!!!!!!!!!! 我好想去 XDDD不過說實在的我地理不太好
還有芬蘭也好想去 ~~~
不過我想去芬蘭純粹是因為想看他們的牛 =.="
正確來說我應該想去整個歐洲 XDDDD

我目前只學了德文..而且很弱 = ="

很高興認識妳哦 XDDD

acep001 發表於 2012-1-26 14:27:36

Hi, Jolie,

我是香港人, 新年快樂! 我沒到過瑞典, 但想必定很凍.

羊~ir461586 發表於 2012-1-28 15:00:10

恩,還有土撥鼠 XDDD
感覺那邊有大草原可以盡情奔跑這樣 XD

不過老師好像有說歐洲好像有1.2種語言是大部分地區都能溝通的 @@
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