delicatelace 發表於 2011-8-16 17:54:03

Elena Undone


roof770904 發表於 2011-8-16 19:52:13

看過囉~~裡面有幾段非常喜歡 哈哈

wonder 發表於 2011-12-5 23:55:56

又是一部難以抗拒的拉片。導演是一對couple,角色選的很好,細節到位,演技好,happy ending. 讓我反覆看好幾遍。 兩個女主角都是有一點點年紀,各自性感,臉蛋,頭髮,身形,動作,聲音,溫柔又剛強。毫不刻意的開始,默默產生的吸引力,點破,覺醒,一觸即發,陷入,堅強面對,好結局。即是再古老的劇情,只要有對的acting,就是能毫不阻擋的打動人心。何況這似乎是導演跟劇本真實的故事。故事主角中間的tension,在尚未發展出感情之前,很吸引人。有號稱電影史上最長的親吻戲,床戲當然也少不了,雖不過度暴露,所有的暗示都有,而且不只一場。

With a healthy dosage of captivating drama and passionate sex and romance, Elena Undone combines the enchantment of falling in love for the first time with the reality and responsibilities of long-term commitments.

Before crossing paths with Peyton, falling for a woman was an unimaginable situation for Elena, a straight wife and mother. The friendship between Peyton, an out lesbian writer, and Elena, the wife of an anti-gay pastor who has never experienced true love, transforms swiftly from a one-sided crush into a torrid extramarital affair. Despite their attraction, Peyton, jaded in a number of ways, has strong reservations about becoming involved with a married straight woman; Elena, recognizing that she is caught in a love-less marriage, can barely begin to rationalize the nature and magnitude of her desires.

As their relationship evolves, Elena confronts the choice of leaving Barry, her husband, or ending her involvement with Peyton to save her already unraveling and unrewarding marriage and to return to a drab and automated life. Above all, Elena faces the looming challenge of convincing Peyton that the two women have a bright future together despite their unfavorable circumstances.

Writer-director Nicole Conn confidently tackles issues of religion, sex, family and commitment in this contemporary story about star-crossed lovers and the walls between them. — ALEX CHOUSA

whale 發表於 2012-8-25 21:47:21

回復 wonder 的帖子


lamovie 發表於 2012-12-1 00:02:15

我非常喜歡Elena Undone 這部片,這是部故事平凡又動人的電影,又有兩大美女Necar Zadegan(飾演Elena) &Traci Dinwiddie(飾演Payton)來詮釋,為這部電影加分了不少.雖說這部電影述求不只是同志情,也是尋找精神伴侶soulmate的故事情節,不過對我萊說是個難得好看的拉子電影. 而導演Nicole Conn 也執導了不少好看的拉子電影,有空我會再為大家介紹.

pis0317ces 發表於 2012-12-9 18:46:59



espoir 發表於 2013-7-11 17:33:28


mico 發表於 2013-7-13 00:03:47

謝謝你的分享 很棒的電影
soul mate的主題
好令人神往 真好~~

若可以接受全英文 沒字幕的影片

手立子 發表於 2013-7-14 22:02:59

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